Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Process

  • The District is excited to introduce a new, streamlined process through Verifent, making it easier than ever for District employees to verify employment and expedite their PSLF applications. With this service, employees can quickly request completion of their PSLF forms by following a simple, guided process. Here’s how to get started:

    First: Visit the Website and Create an Account or Login.
    If this is your first time using Verifent, you will need to first create an account. For future logins, you will not need to repeat this step and can just login to your account. 


    Go to, click on "Employee," and select “Register.” Then follow these steps:

      1. Fill in the required fields to create an account including: First Name, Last Name, Email (personal email), Cell Phone, Date of Birth, Last 4 of SSN, and the agreement to the terms.
      2. Once submitted, check your email (including junk/spam) for a confirmation code to copy and paste into Verifent to continue.
      3. You will then receive an email with temporary credentials to login and a notice to change and create your new password. 
      4. Select a two-factor authentication option. 
      5. Login to your account using your new credentials. 


    Once logged in, under “Actions”, select “Request PSLF” and follow the steps below.

    Step 1: Choose Employer

    1. Click "Choose Your Employer."
    2. Select Detroit Public Schools Community District.
    3. Click "Save Employer."
    4. Click "Continue."

    Step 2: Complete Required Sections

    • Section 1: Borrower Information
    • Section 2: Borrower Request, Understandings, and Certification
    • Section 4: Employer Information
      • Important: Begin with your most recent start date.
      • If there was a break in service, you can request additional Section 4 portions.
      • The following fields should be left blank. The HR Department will complete them:
        • Employment or Certification Begin/End Date
        • Hours Per Week (Average)
      • Additional Message to Human Resources Department: Provide any additional information if needed.
      • Signature: Ensure your signature is legible for FEDERAL STUDENT AID to accept the form.

    Step 3: HR Review and Completion

    The form will be sent to the Human Resources Department for review and completion of Section 4. Once finalized, HR will fax it directly to FEDERAL STUDENT AID. You will receive an email confirmation, and no further action is required on your part. To view completed PSLF forms, log into, click on "Get Started," and select "Login" under "Employee." Once logged in, you can access your completed PSLF forms in the Employee Portal.

    If you have questions about your completed PSLF you can send an email to