• Teacher interacting with three students

    Group picture of On the Rise Academy Candidates

    The application for Cohort 5 will remain open until January 19th. Apply at https://careers.detroitk12.org/ Select “Teaching” and search for the “Fellow” or “Fellow Plus ESE” position. The descriptions of each position are listed below:

    • Fellow: Teacher candidate seeking initial certification in Upper/Lower Elementary, Secondary Mathematics, or Secondary Science.
    • Fellow Plus ESE: Teacher candidates seeking initial certification in one of the general education endorsements offered plus an endorsement in Cognitive Impairment.


    Eligibility Requirements:

    Possess a bachelor’s degree or higher
    Have a G.P.A. of 2.95 or higher
    Attend an On the Rise Academy information session
    Pass DPSCD’s criminal background check


    Application Requirements:

    The items listed below must be uploaded and submitted with the online application. Incomplete applications will not be considered. 

    1. Resume (upload as an additional attachment)
    2. Unofficial transcript of bachelor's degree or higher with cumulative G.P.A.
    3. Please do not submit a cover letter.

    After completing the application, applicants will receive a follow-up email within 3-5 business days. Eligible applicants must complete a hiring task by the deadline provided to receive an invitation to an in-person interview.  

    Stars, graduation cap, money and books


    Contact us by emailing info.otr@detroitk12.org