• Two Students on a laptop computer

    On the Rise Academy uses a practice-based model of teacher preparation that immerses participants in authentic field-based experiences to support rapid learning and development. Program staff will facilitate frequent cycles of rehearsal of high-leverage teaching practices by:

      • Introducing a high-leverage teaching practice to help participants understand the purpose of the practice or strategy and its impact on student belonging, engagement, and learning by making frequent connections to DPSCD’s Vision of Excellent Instruction
      • Modeling the teaching practice or strategy through live demonstrations or by sharing videos of effective teaching
      • Rehearsing the teaching practice or strategy with their peers and receiving feedback from program staff and peers
      • Revising their approach to the practice or strategy based on the feedback received
      • Planning how to use the practice or strategy in the classroom setting
    Books, School, Graduate
    This table provides an overview of On the Rise Academy's program components.
This table provides an overview of On the Rise Academy’s program components.
  • Coaching 

    On the Rise Academy participants will receive ongoing, responsive coaching in the form of 1:1 and small group, coaching sessions. Because coaching is responsive in nature, the frequency of coaching will vary to ensure participants receive appropriate, differentiated support. During Pre-Service Institute, Fellows will receive a minimum of three coaching visits and one formal observation and debrief per week. During certification training, both Fellows and Continuing Teachers will receive a minimum of two coaching visits and one formal observation and debrief per month. Participants with more significant needs will receive coaching at a higher frequency which could include several visits in one week. Instructional coaches and participants will jointly develop coaching plans that outline the participant’s goals and the actions that the coach and participant will take during the current coaching cycle.  

    In addition to providing individualized coaching, coaches will co-plan and facilitate regular content and grade-specific Content Cycle planning and preparation workshops with other program staff members and Master Teachers. The workshops will support participants in understanding the highest-leverage content area for their course and grade for the upcoming unit of instruction by engaging participants in cycles of intellectual lesson preparation, practice, and reflection.