
  • The mission of the Detroit Public Schools Community District Office of Charter Schools (OCS) is to support, develop and hold accountable high-performing charter schools, that prepare Detroit children for college and careers. With those goals in mind, as we embark on the reauthorization process for each Public School Academy, the Office of Charter Schools will evaluate schools seeking reauthorization based on their performance in the following areas:

    • Is the Academy increasing academic achievement for all groups of pupils, as measured by assessments and other objective criteria? At the minimum, each school is expected to outperform the Detroit Public Schools Community District average on applicable assessments.
    • Is the Academy complying with the terms of its charter contract and all applicable laws, as measured, in part, by compliance submission timeliness and other factors?
    • Is the Academy financially sound and viable?
    • Does the facility meet the DPSCD Office of Charter Schools standard?