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Youth Employment Work Permits
- A minor cannot legally work without a signed work permit. If possible, the work permit should be issued on yellow or pink paper, but during this public health emergency, we would not cite an employer who has a completed signed work permit for having a work permit on white paper.
- Minors/employers can obtain a work permit from our website but it has to be signed by a public school’s issuing officer under Act 90. A minor should be able to contact any local public school/superintendent office to get a work permit issued. District students should contact their school principal to have a work permit signed.
- “Issuing officer” means the chief administrator of a school district, intermediate school district, public school academy, or nonpublic school, or a person authorized by that chief administrator in writing to act on his or her behalf.
Section 3 of Act 90 is the Hazardous General Duty Clause.
- The Wage and Hour Division has not determined that working during a pandemic is a violation of the general duty clause.
- A minor needs to be trained, supervised by an employee over the age of 18 and provided with any required personal protective equipment.
Michigan Department of Education - Work Permit Guidelines
Instructions for Completing and Issuing and Work Permits CA-6 and CA-7
1.The Minor obtains the (CA-6, U-16 - pink form) or (CA-7,16-17 - yellow form) from the Issuing Officer of their school district and completes Section I.
2.The Minor takes the form to the prospective Employer who completes Section II.
3.The Issuing Officer verifies the age of Minor using the best available evidence and ensures compliance with state and federal laws and regulations.
4.The Work Permit is issued by the Issuing Officer signing and dating the form in Section III.
5.The Issuing Officer makes a copy for the school file and gives the original to the Minor to return to the Employer.
6.The Minor returns the completed original form to the Employer before beginning work.
The failure or refusal to issue a work permit by the school may be appealed by the minor in accordance with Public Act. 306 of 1969.