Pathways Academy

  • Within a caring and supportive environment, this 21st Century school provides pregnant and parenting students with the academic and ethical skills necessary for success.

    Grades: 7-12
    Curriculum focus: Alternative School for Pregnant and Parenting Teens

    Address: 11340 E. Jefferson, Detroit, MI  48214
    Located near: Jefferson and St. Jean
    Phone: (313) 209-3804
    Principal: Michelle Shawver
    Email Address:
    Management Company: Innovative Educational Programs
    Year first authorized: 2014


    Board members for 2022-2023

    Name Office
    Leonard Dixon President
    Alonzo Bell Vice President
    Cynthia Bradford Secretary
    Mary Cleveland Evans Member
    Dorothy Howard Member






Contact Information

  • Office of Charter Schools

    Fisher Building, 9th Floor
    3011 W. Grand Blvd
    Detroit MI 48202
    Phone: (313) 873-3566
    Fax: (313) 873-6184

    Alycia Meriweather
    Deputy Superintendent