- Detroit Public Schools Community District
- Services
- School Social Work Services
- Intervention Strategies
Exceptional Student Education
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Intervention Strategies
School Social Workers provide interventions that are multifaceted and comprehensive. Intervention strategies include:
Direct Services
- Individual and Group Therapy
- Individualized academic and curricular interventions outlined in the IEP (Individual Educational Plan)
- Classroom-based interventions
- Consultations with teachers, parents and other service providers to harmonize approaches to inappropriate behavior
- Effective discipline strategies
- Crisis planning and management
- Peer Group discussions on behavioral/emotional issues
- Family counseling
- Assertive discipline
- Participation in the development of Functional Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plans
Indirect Services
- Frequent conferences with parents
- Send positive notes home regarding student’s behavior
- Encourage classmates of student to involve student in social interactions if student is withdrawn or shy
- Encourage counselors, teachers, administrators and parents to have student utilize daily progress reports
- Parenting education and support groups
- Facilitates referrals of children and families to appropriate community resources
- Maintain case files with required documents on all active cases
These are examples of the interventions DPSCD School Social Workers perform to assist students in gaining a positive and productive educational experience.