Our Services

  • The Office of Exceptional Student Education provides services that support the District’s mission of educating students and empowering them to meet their educational goals.

    • Records Request - The Student Information Services Department and the Office of Exceptional Student Education manage the processing of various release forms from parents and other school districts.
    • Early Intervention Services - The Early Intervention Diagnostic Center Team services infants and toddlers from birth to three years old and their families in their homes or at the center. 
    • Psychological Services - The Office of Psychological Services helps parents,  teachers, and students understand, prevent and solve problems, and promote positive mental health and effective school environments for successful learning for all students. 
    • School Social Work - The Office of School Social Work Services contributes to the successful education of all children by providing comprehensive social work services to empower each child to become a successful learner and productive citizen in a global society. 
    • Speech and Language Services - The Office of Communication Disorders supports the speech, language and audiological needs of all DPSCD schools. 
    • Transition Services - The Transition Team focuses on the student's transition from school to post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment, continuing and adult education, adult education services, independent living or community participation.