• All students, including those with an IEP, may enroll at their neighborhood/closest DPSCD school. If further information is needed, the ESE Placement Office will follow up with you. 
    Comments (-1)

ESE Compliance Office

  • The Compliance Office investigates and resolves compliance complaints while providing professional development to staff on the changes in the IEP process. In addition, the Compliance Office handles all due process and state complaints, and ensures compliance across the department. 

    Release Form Requests

    The Student Information Services department and The Office of Exceptional Student Education manage the processing of various release forms from other school districts. Have a release form that requires action from the District? Please attach the form and include any other relevant information in an email to the appropriate party below. You can expect your release form to be completed and returned to you in 5 business days or less.

    • To process all Superintendent Release Forms and Release for Tuition Enrollments, please email info.SIS@detroitk12.org.  
    • To process all Superintendent Releases and Agreements to Cover Additional Special Education Costs (105 and 105c), or any other Special Education releases, please email Valerie.Barnes@detroitk12.org and copy Quentin.May@detroitk12.org. In the subject line of your email, please use "105C"

    Haven’t heard back after five business days, or are you experiencing another difficulty with a release form? Please call 313.873.7740, and someone will check on the status of your request.

Contact Information

  • ESE Compliance Office

    4701 McKinley St, Detroit, MI 48208
    Room 213
    Hours of operation: 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
    Phone: (313) 748-6374
    Fax: (313) 989-4157