- Detroit Public Schools Community District
- Grades and Attendance
Checking Grades and Attendance in the PowerSchool Parent Portal
The PowerSchool Parent Portal provides parents with direct access to student data via the Internet. Using a confidential ID number and password provided by their child's school, parents can create their own PowerSchool account using a web browser or the PowerSchool app and view their child’s data, such as class schedule, grades, and attendance.
To log in to PowerSchool Parent Portal
To view student grades and attendance, sign in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal https://detroitk12.powerschool.com/public
The first time you log in to the PowerSchool app for your phone or tablet, you will be asked to enter the District's unique four-character code: PSNW
Note: If you do not have an account set up, contact your student’s school to request a “Parent Web Access Letter,” which will include instructions and access codes needed to set up an account.
Get more instructions on Attendance History
Get more instructions on Checking Student Grades
Tutorial Video