• Important Message Regarding Security

    Posted by Amy Cronkite on 10/16/2023

    Dear DPSCD Families and Students,

    Over the recent school years, we are ensuring that all students have ID cards. These cards allow us to track student ridership on yellow buses, speed up student lunch distribution, identify students with allergies for the cafeteria, and help keep our schools safe. The ID cards provide us with real time information about when and where students board and exit buses in case a student is missing. This data is only shared with transportation staff. Most students have received their ID cards. If they lose their card, then they can still ride the bus, but they must receive a replacement at their school at no cost. The ID card will be used for high school students to continue to ride at no cost on city buses.

    Please ensure your child has a student ID card and brings it to school every day.

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