Student Support and Dismissal

  • The District has five (5) examination high schools that offer rigorous academic programming aimed at helping students achieve their college and career aspirations. Admission is granted on a competitive basis after students take an exam and submit an application that includes an essay and academic transcripts. 

    Student Expectations

    Every examination high school student is expected to maintain strong academic performance, adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, and to attend school regularly. During the 2021-22 school year, the District implemented a common standard and process to set clear, consistent expectations and support to students across all examination high schools, starting with students in the 9th grade. Specifically, examination high school students are required to meet the following expectations to remain in good standing:

    • Maintain a cumulative weighted grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher
    • Earn no more than 9 unexcused absences in a single school year.
    • Maintain fewer disciplinary infractions than outlined below: 
      • Five level A 
      • Two level B 
      • Combination of three level A and one level B 
      • One level C 
      • One level D

    Infraction types are defined beginning on page 30 in the 2024-25 Student Code of Conduct, which can be found at:

    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The transition from middle school to 9th grade can sometimes be difficult, and the District and our Examination High Schools are committed to helping all students adjust to their new environment and new expectations. Student’s academic progress will be monitored to ensure they are on track, starting with the first quarterly report card and quarterly thereafter through the end of the school year. Attendance and discipline will be monitored daily based on procedures outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. 

    ​​​​​​​Each student who is at risk of being placed on probation based on their academic performance will be offered a personalized academic support plan that may include tutoring and in-school academic intervention and other resources. Parents/guardians are expected to serve as partners as schools develop the plans and to actively support their scholars as they participate in academic support activities and work to improve their grades. Parents/guardians are also expected to monitor student progress via the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

    Students who do not make academic progress may be dismissed at the end of the school year. Students may also be dismissed at any point in the year for excessive truancy or other violations of the Student Code of Conduct. An appeal process will be made available to students who are dismissed. 

    While we hope that all of our exam high school students will thrive in their school setting, the District is committed to finding the right fit for families in the case that they need to transition to a different school. Support will be provided to students who are dismissed from both Enrollment and their school counselor as they transition to other educational opportunities.

Expectations Frequently Asked Questions

  • FAQ

  • Annual Cycle

    The District's exam high schools uphold a common standard for all students to maintain academic performance, strong attendance, and alignment with the Student Code of Conduct. In the case that students are not meeting exam high school expectations, the District will offer student support and conduct dismissals according to the following process:

  • Intervention - End of 1st Quarter

  • Probation - End of 2nd Quarter

  • Dismissal Review - End of 3rd Quarter

  • Midway through the fourth quarter

  • Dismissal Decision - 4th Quarter

  • Appeals

  • Transition to a new school

  • Academic Calendar

Dismissal Calendar