Taking the Exam
About the Exam
All examination high school applicants are required to take the High School Placement Test (HSPT) for admission consideration. The exam, which covers Reading Comprehension, Mathematics, English Language Arts, and Science, may only be taken once per application cycle. This means students who take the test in November or December may not take it again in the Spring. The duration of the exam is about 2 hours and 15 minutes. Students can expect to be on site for about 3 hours. The exam is administered using paper and pencil.
Current District 8th Grade Students
The test window for eighth graders who attend Detroit Public Schools Community District will be November 12 and 13, 2024. Contact your school to learn the specific day of your student's test date. District students must complete the application to be considered for admission. Students who miss the exam or who enroll in the district after the application deadline may apply during Round 2 of the application cycle, which will begin in March 2025.
Out-of-District Students and Current District High School Students
Students who do not attend a District school or who are already in high school must apply in order to be scheduled for testing. The exam dates will be: Thursday May 8 and Saturday May 17 for all students.
An email confirmation that contains the student's designated arrival time will be sent to the email address that was used to submit the application in Submittable at least 3 days before the exam.
If you don’t get a confirmation email after submitting your application, contact the Enrollment Division, exam.schools@detroitk12.org or (313) 873-6345.
Exceptional / Special Education Students
Students who have Individualized Education Plans (IEP), 504 Plans, or Non-Public Service Plans (for applicants who attend a private school) must upload their IEP, 504 or Non-Public Service Plan as part of their application. Please be sure to submit the complete document.
Students whose IEPs/NPSPs/504 Plans identify accommodations will be given the applicable accommodations identified. Please note that not all plans will indicate that students should receive accommodations.
Students who qualify for extended time should be prepared for a longer day. Breaks, snacks and water will be provided. Students may also bring their own snacks and water.
Have questions? Please email exam.schools@detroitk12.org.
Multi-Lingual Learners/English Language Learners
Accommodations for the exam will be provided to eligible students who are multilingual learners or newcomers.
Applicants who do not attend a District school will be asked to upload their most recent WIDA scores if they earned less than a 2.9 on their most recent WIDA test. Students may also be asked to provide additional information. -
Students who may be exempted from testing
Previously Accepted: Students who took the exam in the 2023-24 admission cycle and were accepted to their first-choice exam high school, but did not attend, may be exempted from taking the test pending a review of their current and previous applications. An application is still required. Contact the Office of Enrollment at exam.schools@detroitk12.org or (313) 873-6345 for more information.
Acceptance is subject to student qualifications and availability of seats at the student's grade level at the school(s) to which they are applying.
Current Students: Students who currently attend an exam high school and are not at risk of dismissal, regardless of when they took the exam, may apply to transfer to another exam high school without taking the exam. An application is still required, and will be reviewed by the school to which the student wants to transfer. The school's decision is final. Acceptance is subject to availability of seats at the grade level the student is seeking.
Previous Students: Students who previously attended an exam high school, regardless of when they took the exam, may apply for re-entry without taking the exam if there is evidence the student left the school in good standing. Students in good standing were not academically dismissed or in jeopardy of being academically dismissed, had clean disciplinary records, and would otherwise have maintained their enrollment if they had not left. The school to which they are seeking re-entry will determine whether the student left in good standing.
Students who were academically or otherwise dismissed from an examination high school are required to apply and take the exam to gain re-admittance. They must attend another school for at least one (1) full school year before they can be considered for readmission.
Examination Procedures
Signing in and signing out
For students testing on out-of-district/ high school days, sign-in and sign-out will be a paperless process. Students may sign themselves in, but will not be allowed to leave the building unaccompanied after their exam without a consent form signed by a parent/guardian. Consent forms will be available at the test location or download here, completed, and brought in on the day of the exam. The form is only required if the student will be leaving on their own (eg. via Uber/Lyft, bus, taxi, etc.)
All students under 18 must be checked out by an adult, such as a parent, guardian, or designated adult. They will not be allowed to leave unaccompanied after their exam. Please make arrangements for pickup. Students can expect to spend about 3 hours from the time they arrive until the time they are done. If the student's IEP/NPSP requires them to have extra time, you will need to plan for them to be on-site for five or more hours.
Test duration
Students can expect to be on-site for about three (3) hours. Please be sure your student is well-rested and has a nutritious meal before arriving. You may send your student with water and a snack if they will need one. Be sure to arrive on time for pickup no later than three (3) hours after drop-off, unless your student has extended time.
Electronic Devices
Students must turn in cell phones at the door. Electronic devices are not allowed inside the exam room. Students may turn in their electronic devices, and they will be securely stored during testing. They will be labeled and stored in an individual storage bag during testing. They can retrieve their electronic device after completing the exam.
If your student is found with an electronic device, including, but not limited to, cell phones, smartphones, and smartwatches at any time during testing or during breaks, his or her test section will be invalidated and the student will not be eligible for admission for the coming year.
Pencils and Scratch Paper
Pencils and scratch paper will be provided, though students may bring their own pencils if they would like.
After the exam, all individuals who are picking up students will be required to complete a brief electronic survey providing the name of the student(s) they are collecting, the respondent's name, and their cell phone number. Upon receipt, students will be released from the main entrance of the building.
Leaving Campus
If the student leaves campus before completing a test section (for an appointment, illness, etc.), he or she will not be allowed to complete that test section.
Illness or Emergency
If there is a family emergency or if your student does not feel well on the day of testing, it may be best to reschedule for the next test date provided by the district. You must submit a request by completing this survey within 72 hours of missing the exam.
Alternate Exam Dates
In some instances, an alternate test date may be provided if the student has a religious objection to the dates provided, or can provide documentation that they are unable to participate on any of the provided dates.
An alternate date must immediately be requested by completing this survey. We must have an application on file in order to facilitate a request for an alternate exam date.
Exam Scoring
The placement test is scored by the provider, Scholastic Testing Services.
The full application score includes the high school placement test score, grade point average and interest essay. For more information about application requirements and scoring, click here.