• What to Love About Kindergarten at DPSCD

    Kindergarten is a wonderful time in a child’s life. It is meant to be a time filled with fun, exploration, and limitless possibilities. In the DPSCD kindergarten classroom, we use this opportunity to build upon a child’s natural curiosity to guide their learning experiences.

    We use purposeful materials, language and lessons to address each child as an individual and scaffold their academic, social and emotional learning. Kindergarten educators are focused on the whole child to prepare them not just for kindergarten success but also to be lifelong learners.

    Our kindergartners benefit from:

    Strong Academics

    • New, nationally aligned curriculum
    • Pre-pandemic academic improvement in every school
    • Arts/Music and Physical Education offered in every school

    Robust Resources

    • The largest network of support and resources for exceptional students in the region
    • i-Pad access for all students

    Rich Experiences

    • Parent Academy with 250+ courses for personal/professional development
    • Cultural Passport - K-5 students visit Michigan Science Center, DSO, Music Hall, Belle Isle

    Whole Child Supports

    • Child-centered leadership
    • Home visits
    • Expect Respect - Anti-bullying, respect & kindness skills for grades k-12


  • Help Your Child Prepare for the First Day

    As the first and most important teacher your child will ever have, parents and guardians play an important role in a child’s educational experience. Here are some recommendations to help prepare for the transition into Kindergarten:

    • Start Now! Each day is a new day of learning for your child.  They are like little sponges soaking in new information each day! 
    • Talk about school with your child in a positive way. If school is important to you, it will be important to them.
    • Enjoy new activities with your child each day. Play games like “I Spy” as a way to introduce colors, numbers and shapes into your child’s vocabulary.
    • With your child, pretend they are in school and learning to sit in a seat for 15-20 mins while listening to a story.
    • Support your child's independence. Give lots of praise for things they learned to do on their own.
    • Encourage exploration and curiosity and remember to have fun.

    • Select the School That's Right For You!

      The District offers schools and programs across the city of Detroit to meet the diverse needs of kindergartners and their families:

      • Neighborhood Schools: All schools offer a rigorous curriculum, arts and music, recess, and social-emotional support for students. Our neighborhood schools are especially connected to their local community and build strong relationships with families. Learn more here.
      • Application Schools: Specialty application schools and programs offer students unique learning experiences, such as Gifted and Talented, Foreign Language Immersion, Montessori, Fine and Performing Arts, African-Centered Education, Single-Gender Education, and more. Learn more here.
      • Montessori Schools: The District’s Montessori program is offered at three schools. Students are engaged in student-centered learning through hands-on experiences, a focus on social responsibility, and engaged in communal learning. Learn more here.