Elementary & Middle Schools

  • Elementary and Middle schools serve students who live in Detroit from kindergarten through eighth grade. Families can choose from their neighborhood school, or they may apply to attend any other DPSCD school that their student is eligible for and has available seats.

    Neighborhood schools have geographic boundaries and serve all students who live within the boundaries. Schools without attendance boundaries are open to any child in the city. These schools may have a special curriculum focus that emphasizes arts, language, science, and other academic subjects, or offer an accelerated curriculum for academically advanced students.

    Neighborhood Schools

    All of our schools offer art and/or music, recess and physical education, a challenging curriculum, and a commitment to community. To identify your neighborhood school, click here and enter your address. To learn more about your neighborhood school, visit the School Directory and navigate to each school's website to explore their offerings.

    Application Schools 

    We offer a variety of specialty, application-based schools and programs that offer students unique learning experiences. These include Gifted and Talented, Foreign Language Immersion, Aviation, Science and Medicine, Fine and Performing Arts, African-Centered Education, Single-Gender Education, and more. Students who attend our Application Schools excel in critical and creative thinking and thrive in settings where they can explore their passions. Learn more about our specialty application K-8 programs

    Pathways Schools

    We have leveraged our legacy, expertise, and partnerships with dozens of arts organizations to create the Detroit School of Arts (DSA) Pathways Initiative for students starting in sixth grade. Students have a unique opportunity to combine outstanding academics and art instruction and connect with acclaimed professional artists via residencies, master classes, and workshops at our Pathways schools before being promoted to our premier arts high school, Detroit School of Arts. Learn more about these Middle School Arts Conservatories

    Exceptional Student Center-Based Schools

    The District provides students with exceptional needs with the support, interventions, and enrichment activities needed to flourish. The Office of Exceptional Student Education encompasses all learners outside of the typical learning environment and those that may require differing learning styles in order to meet their full potential.