Family and Community Engagement
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Schedule an Appointment
Schedule an Appointment
If you have any questions about the McKinney-Vento Program referral process or any of the services offered by our office, please book an appointment using this link.
Referral Links
Internal Referral Link
If you are a DPSCD Staff and know a student who may qualify for services under McKinney-Vento, please complete the INTERNAL FORM.
External Referral Link
If you know a student who may qualify for services under McKinney-Vento and you are a student, parent/guardian, or community agency, please complete the EXTERNAL FORM.
Resource Links
Michigan Alliance for Families
A statewide resource that connects families of children with disabilities to resources that help improve their children’s education. They help facilitate parent involvement as a means of improving educational services and outcomes for students with disabilities. -
Michigan Department of Education - McKinney Vento
Michigan Department of Education homelessness webpage has many links, lists, and information items, as well as a list of local contacts for students experiencing homelessness. -
Wayne Metro
Wayne Metro Community Action Agency is assisting families facing unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Residents of Wayne County may qualify for assistance in the following areas: Food, Income Support, Utility Assistance, Rent & Mortgage assistance.