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DPSCD Launches Expect Respect Campaign District-Wide Ahead of National Bullying Prevention Month

Students, staff, families and the community are encouraged to take the pledge to foster kindness, safety and support anti-bullying

DETROIT – SEPT. 27, 2019 – Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD) launched the “Expect Respect” campaign in every school, through the District’s revised Student Code of Conduct, in time to raise awareness around National Bullying Prevention Month. The Expect Respect resolution was approved by the DPSCD Board of Education during the September board meeting as a call to action for the District to foster positive relationships.

“The Expect Respect campaign expands our Strategic Plan focus on Transforming Culture and the Whole Child. As we improve our curriculum, expand the arts, and fully staff schools we cannot ignore that one of our most important functions is to develop active citizens who love and respect one another,” said Nikolai Vitti, Superintendent, DPSCD. “The goal of the campaign is to create positive climate and culture in all schools. The expectation is that we treat each other with kindness, understanding, and respect one another’s differences. This campaign is designed to proactively and strategically build character and to emphasize the District’s stance on anti-bullying. Children and employees cannot reach their potential if they are mistreated.”

Through this initiative, 10 character-traits are selected for students to deeply study each month utilizing the Overcoming Obstacles and Pacers National Bullying Prevention Center curriculum, taught by DPSCD’s guidance counselors and school social workers. Students will be involved in formal lessons about communication, decision making, and goal setting.

In addition, “Expect Respect” encompasses student safety through OK2SAY, a confidential reporting tool. Students are encouraged to anonymously report tips on potential harm or criminal activities directed at students, school employees, and schools. The 24/7 portal can be accessed via phone call, text or email, and at

The “Expect Respect” campaign will reduce day to day negative interactions students have with each other and staff while improving the perception of safety within schools. Students, parents, teachers and community partners are encouraged to take the pledge to give respect, “expect respect,” and to report instances of students being treated unkindly. For more information and to download the pledge card, please visit



The DPSCD School Board Members approved the Expect Respect resolution at the September Board Meeting.

School Board Resolution
Please read the resolution: DPSCD Expect Respect Resolution - September 2019.

Superintendent's Presentation
Please download Dr. Vitti's slide deck present to during the School Board Meeting held on September 13, 2019: Superintendent Expect Respect Presentation

Student Code of Conduct
The revised Student Code of Conduct (available in Arabic, Bengali, English and Spanish) can be downloaded at  

Additional information can be found at the following links:

Pledge Cards
Please download a pledge card below, print, sign it and turn it into your school to recognize your committment to Expect Respect!


DPSCD Expect Respect