Office of Inspector General
By authority granted by the Detroit Board of Education, Policy 1270, the Office of Inspector General is established as an independent oversight entity within the Detroit Schools system which strives to ensure transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct among employees, contractors, and vendors doing business with the school district.
What We Do
The OIG promotes integrity, economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the operations of the Detroit Public Schools Community District by conducting meaningful and accurate investigations, forensic audits, and program reviews; to prevent, detect and deter fraud, waste, and abuse.
Core Values
The Inspector General and OIG staff work with the following values in mind:
- PROFESSIONALISM: OIG staff strive to conduct themselves in a professional manner and shall strive to be honest, objective and work to maintain a high level of credibility with the DPSCD leadership, the Board, employees, students, and the general public. We shall make ourselves accessible, approachable and reliable.
- TIMELINESS & ACCURACY: The OIG shall focus on the delivery of significant, timely, and useful information for District stakeholders and the general public. We shall strive to make our reports accurate, clear, convincing, objective, fair and constructive.
- RELATIONSHIPS: OIG staff shall maintain working relationships with other DPSCD staff, departments, and schools. In the course of performing their duties, OIG staff shall treat each other and others outside of the department with consideration, dignity, and respect. Furthermore, the OIG shall maintain active partnerships and liaisons with external law enforcement organizations that provide assistance in the performance of our mission.
- DEDICATION & HARD WORK: OIG staff shall endeavor to make efficient use of their time through planning, organization, and hard work. We shall always strive to remain focused and dedicated to our mission; and in so doing, strive to improve our knowledge, skills, and abilities of fraud investigation and auditing through training, continuing education and networking with peers in similar industries.
- VALUE ADDED: The OIG will continue to aggressively pursue ongoing investigations and new allegations of waste, fraud, and abuse; as well as identify areas of vulnerability and potential asset and monetary loss to the District. Those found responsible for wrongdoing will be held accountable for their actions; and in so doing, DPSCD will earn back the public’s trust in our school system.
Visit the Annual Reports page to learn more about some of the OIG's work.
Investigations and Forensic Audits
School Board policy 1270 provides for the Inspector General to receive and consider complaints that fall within the OIG's investigative jurisdiction. Once a determination is made to initiate an investigation or forensic audit, the OIG conducts its investigation in compliance with the Quality Standards for Investigations, Principles, and Standards for Offices of Inspector General, promulgated by the Association of Inspectors General.
Complaints may be filed by anyone, via the OIG’s confidential fraud hotline and/or email; involving the areas of Theft, Payroll Fraud, Contractor Fraud, Vendor Fraud, Ethics Violations, Financial Mismanagement, Unauthorized Employment, or Misappropriation of District assets. If the OIG investigation or forensic audit substantiates wrongdoing, the Superintendent or designee shall take or recommend appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. When circumstances warrant, the OIG may refer matters to appropriate law enforcement for prosecution. In cases involving monetary loss to the District, the OIG may seek to recover lost or misappropriated funds.
Ethics and Compliance Program
In addition to our role in maintaining accountability as the District's watchdog, the OIG offers fraud awareness and ethics training to School Board officials, District employees and contractors. This education is provided on an ongoing basis through various publications on topics related to Fraud, Waste, Abuse and Ethical Conduct; as well as via instructor-led and online courses provided on the same subject matters.
This anti-fraud outreach program is one way that the OIG has taken proactive measures in assuring that District employees and other stakeholders receive the information and resources necessary to understand what fraud is, and learn how to identify the warning signs (red flags) of fraud, and how to report fraud; as well as maintain ethical conduct and compliance with District policies as relates to Conflicts of Interest, Vendor Relations, and other Outside Interests that may interfere with the proper or ethical conduct of employees' professional duties and responsibilties.
Policy 1270: Authority and Responsibilities of the Inspector General
Policy 1270 Authority and Responsibilities of the Inspector General.pdf 901.49 KB (Last Modified on January 23, 2023) -
Green Book: Principles and Standards for Offices of Inspector General
Principles and Standards for Offices of Inspector General -revised July-2024.pdf 14.71 MB (Last Modified on June 26, 2024)
The School Board is committed to the highest standards of openness, honesty, and accountability. In consideration of that, anyone with a serious concern regarding Fraud, Waste, Abuse or Unethical Conduct should access the Complaint Form below to file a report with the OIG
Report fraud, waste and abuse
- A complaint may be filed anonymously.
- You have a right to report fraud, waste, and abuse in DPSCD.
- You’re obligated to report corruption.
- Whistleblowers are protected from retaliation.
Email the Office of the Inspector General at
To make a complaint by phone, contact us 24 hours / 365 days a year via the Fraud Hotline telephone (313) 870-3436
Contact Information
Fisher Building, 12th Floor
3011 West Grand Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48202Bernadette Kakooza, MBA, CFE, CIG
Inspector GeneralKimya Cole
Executive Administrative SpecialistOffice Phone: (313) 870-5664
Fax: (313) 870-3405