DPSCD Leadership Team

  • DPSCD Superintendent

    Name: Nikolai P. Vitti, Ed.D.
    Title: Superintendent
    Email: nikolai.vitti@detroitk12.org

    DPSCD Cabinet

    Name: Alycia Meriweather
    Title: Deputy Superintendent of External Partnerships and Innovation
    Email: alycia.meriweather@detroitk12.org

    Name: Luis Solano
    Title: Deputy Superintendent of Labor 
    Email: luis.solano@detroitk12.org

    Name: Elizabeth Cutrona
    Title: Deputy Superintendent of Strategy and Academics
    Email: elizabeth.cutrona@detroitk12.org

    Name: Nidia Ashby
    Title: Chief of Schools, K-8
    Email: nidia.ashby@detroitk12.org

    Name: Jeremy Vidito
    Title: Chief Financial Officer
    Email: jeremy.vidito@detroitk12.org

    Name: Jenice Mitchell Ford, Esq.
    Title: General Counsel
    Email: jenice.mitchellford@detroitk12.org

    Name: Ben Jackson
    Title: Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
    Email: benjaman.jackson@detroitk12.org

    Name: Sharlonda Buckman
    Title: Assistant Superintendent of Family and Community Engagement
    Email: sharlonda.buckman@detroitk12.org

    Name: Machion Jackson
    Title: Assistant Superintendent of Facilities, Transportation, Food and Maintenance
    Email: machion.jackson@detroitk12.org

    Name: Chrystal Wilson
    Title: Assistant Superintendent of Communications 
    Email: chrystal.wilson@detroitk12.org

    Key Departmental Leadership

    Name: Bernadette Kakooza
    Title: Inspector General
    Email: bernadette.kakooza@detroitk12.org