Frequently Asked Questions (Students)

  • Q: Does this count as part of my grade?  

    No, state tests are not counted as part of your course grade in any subject.   

    Q: Can I practice for the test? 

    Depending on the test, there are different ways to help you prepare. For the M-Step, you can practice using the online testing platform. This practice helps you become familiar with the testing features and question formats. It will not help you with the actual content of the test.   

    For the SAT and PSAT, students can use Khan Academy to get additional practice.  

    For Social Studies and Science M-Step, there is no practice platform, but ask your teacher if they have review materials.   

    For AP Exams, you can take advantage of College Board review videos and materials found in MyAPClassroom. Click here to access the YouTube review videos made by some of the best AP teachers around the country.   

    Q: I’m nervous about testing. What would you recommend?  

    It’s understandable to be nervous. Remember that your best is enough. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep the night before you test. If you have questions, there will be people available to help you.    

    Q: Why do I have to take the test? 

    M-STEP, SAT, and PSAT are state-administered tests. These tests are used as a measure of student growth. When you take the test, it helps your teacher and your school get one understanding of where you are as a learner.    

    In most years, these tests are required. This year, though, students and families have the choice to opt-in for testing.  Discuss with your family and teachers whether these tests make sense for you at this time.  

    Q: Will there be snacks and/or meals? 

    Students will be provided breakfast and lunch and snacks as part of the school’s meal program.     

    Q: Will I have breaks?  

    Yes. There are breaks built into the testing schedule.   

    Q: What can and can’t I bring? 

    Please bring your mask and water, if you can.    

    Q: Where will I store my belongings at school since I don’t have a locker? 

    Someone at your school will show you a safe place to keep your things while you test. You should only bring what you need for the day when you come to school.   

    Q: Who will I see when I come into the building? 

    When you come into the building, you will be greeted by someone who will ask you a few questions and take your temperature. This process is in place to keep everyone safe and healthy.    

    After you enter the building, you will see your principal, teachers from your school, and other friendly faces.   

    Q: What if I am late?  

    Try your best to arrive on time. However if you arrive to school late, for most exams, you should be okay to still take them. Should you arrive late, someone at the school will direct you.   

    AP Exams have strict start windows. If you arrive too late, you made need to schedule a make up exam. Be sure to check with your school if you are late to your exam.   

    Q: What if I forget my mask? 

    If you forget your mask, someone will give you one as soon as you enter the school.   

    Q: Do I need to wear my uniform when I come in to test? 

    Students should follow District uniform policy.   

    Q: I don’t feel well. How do I reschedule?   

    Call your school if you or someone in your household does not feel well to reschedule your exam. Please stay home if you do not feel well.