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Community Engagement Sessions on Literacy Lawsuit Settlement Strategy and Funding

DPSCD Staff, Students and Families, 

The District will conduct three community engagement sessions regarding our recommended plans to use $94 million dollars of one-time funding through the historic Gary B. v. Snyder lawsuit in which former DPS students sued the state for depriving them of their fundamental right to literacy education under emergency management. Two of the three sessions will be online and the other in person. All dates, times, and links/location are included below.

These sessions are an opportunity for you to understand how we plan to use this funding to better support our students, staff, and families and accelerate the literacy improvement the District has recently demonstrated. The sessions also provide you with an opportunity to provide input into our plans before the School Board conducts their final review and approval.

I hope you can join us!






Tuesday, 4/30

4:30 - 6:00


Wednesday, 5/1

Spanish interpretation available 



Tuesday, 5/7

ASL interpretation available 

5:30 - 7:00

East English Village Preparatory Academy at Finney

5020 Cadieux Rd, Detroit, MI 48224