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Braylon Rocquemore, MLK Salutatorian, Sights Set on Wayne State University

“Firstly, to me, I feel that being a salutatorian can be defined as being extremely dedicated to a goal, that goal for me is getting into college and making it through college with few difficulties. Reaching this point obviously was not too easy; the challenges I faced to get to this position consisted of many hours of planning and time management due to an overwhelming schedule combined with work and school. Nevertheless, I managed to fly through it all by prioritizing what was important and organizing my schedule to fit those priorities, something I would recommend to students who may strive to thrive in their academic environment,” said Braylon Rocquemore, Martin Luther King Jr. High School’s Salutatorian.

Braylon said his biggest sources of inspiration for improving and aiming for high marks was his AP English teacher and Anatomy and Physiology professor, “Both of which pushed me to better myself and think on a higher level beyond just high school,” he said.

“Come fall, I will be attending Wayne State where I will pursue a major in either computer science or communications. Though I am not sure what my plans will be after college, I will try to live a life that will hopefully be free of too much stress.

I have been attending DPSCD since elementary school and I feel that sticking with the district for so long has helped me grow immensely mainly due to all the people I have met and interacted with over the years, I am confident that it was all those interactions that helped me mature as a person."

student working on experiment