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Celebrating National School Bus Driver’s Appreciation Day By Recognizing Heroic Efforts


With National School Bus Driver’s Appreciation Day set for Wednesday, February 22, 2023, two of the Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD’s) finest at providing this service reflected on how they carried out the District’s priority of Student’s First while handling an emergency with a DPSCD student earlier this school year.  

Bus driver Raquel Payne-Perry of ABC Transportation, a DPSCD school bus vendor, drove up to find a student who had fallen while convulsing from a seizure. Along with her colleague, DPSCD bus attendant Demita Durant, the duo sprang into action, calling 911 and attended to the stricken student until emergency help arrived.  

“I knew something was not right,” remembered Raquel, upon seeing the student through her bus window. Said Demita, “When I saw the student fall, it was very scary for me. Me and Raquel jumped into help mode. We were glad that we were in the right place at the right time to help the student. I am glad the student is now OK and is safe.”  

For their efforts that late fall afternoon, Raquel and Demita were recognized by the Board of Education for carrying out DPSCD’s Priority of Student’s First, when they helped to save the life of the student. Reflected Raquel, “As a bus driver, I take my job seriously and put our student’s first. This makes me feel great.”  

While school bus drivers everywhere will be recognized specifically on Wednesday (February 22, 2023), DPSCD salutes all its Transportation personnel for the work they do every day to ensure our students arrive safely at school so they can be loved challenged and prepared and are returned home safely to be with their families and loved ones.  

For more information on the work of DPSCD’s Office of Transportation, please click here.