DPSCD Students Rise and Take Flight into the World of Aviation
Historical and innovative are two words that describe Davis Aerospace Technical High School. Founded in 1943 to teach adults how to repair planes, the school now provides a fully immersed, world-class aviation experience preparing students for careers in Private Piloting, Airframe and Power Plant, Maintenance Programming, Avionics, Ground Control, and Remote Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Piloting.
“The rich history is a core pillar in what makes the school unique,” said Neal Morrison, Principal, Davis Aerospace. “The incredible opportunities that our students have experienced as result of their hard work and the instructional staff, is a true exemplar of the District’s values of Outstanding Achievement and Exceptional Talent.”
Students also have the chance to participate in the CTE (Career Technical Education) Flight Training program where they learn a variety of concepts and regulations related to both unmanned and crewed flight. The Flight Training program qualifies students to train in state-of-the art simulators and will offer eligible students flight training in a real aircraft in the spring of 2022.
“The flight program at Golightly CTC is just an incredible opportunity for any high school junior or senior who is interested in becoming a professional pilot,” said Captain Meyer, Program Manager. “It is not an easy class, but it is so rewarding for those students who apply themselves daily. I just love seeing my students get FAA certified and hearing back from former students about all their aviation successes after they graduate!”
Recently, Davis spearheaded a new aircraft maintenance pathway by offering 11th and 12th-grade students an Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance course. Students conduct maintenance on three aircraft owned by Davis in the hangar at the Coleman A. Young International Airport, with the guidance and supervision of certified aircraft mechanics.
Students are prepared to test for their remote pilot’s certificate where they can join a fast-growing career in Commercial Drone Piloting by 11th grade. While Davis offers pathways for aviation and non-aviation careers, students who choose to obtain their UAV license to fly drones can contract drone services to businesses for projects in:
- law enforcement
- photography
- videography
- real estate
- urban planning
- commercial, industrial, and underwater inspections
- security surveillance, and more.
“I love the Small Unmanned Aircraft System drone simulator and the Cessna simulator,” said Omaree Johnson, Junior at Davis. “I’m positive this class will provide a variety of exciting job opportunities for me once I graduate.”
In addition to the aviation curriculum, Davis partners with the University of Michigan’s Department of Aerospace Engineering to host in-class guest speakers and field trips to expose students to aerospace engineering. Davis also offers extracurricular activities including:
- Robotics
- Aviation club
- Amateur radio club
- Industry certifications
- CTE classes
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) classes
- Training to repair and fly Cessna aircraft and commercial drones
Applications for enrollment will open in March of 2022. DPSCD encourages students, parents, and families to take flight and learn more about Davis Aerospace Technical High School and complete the Interest Survey, because as you know, when Students Rise, We All Rise.