Phone: (313) 485-0930
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Foutner, Carleton's Guidance Counselor, provides services to the Carleton student body. She actively collaborates with community partners to ensure the academic, career, personal, and social needs of our students are met. Mrs. Foutner organizes outreach programs and services for students, including leadership workshops, clothing donations, and family resources. She meets with students to tackle issues such as grief, anger management, family stressors, and personal concerns. Mrs. Foutner is committed to providing wrap-around services that enhance the mental and physical health of our children.
Mrs. Foutner addresses the needs of our students through whole groups, small groups, and one-on-one counseling sessions with students. As a Leader in Me School, we stress the importance of students "carrying their own weather", which means they are in control of how they react to any given situation. Students who may need to talk with Mrs. Foutner virtually can schedule to meet with her through Teams and interact with her online digital resources. Our counseling goal is to empower students to use a variety of tools, coping mechanisms and proactive strategies so they can have ownership of their feelings and actions.