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Student Support
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District Resources
Technology Help
Live Support - Live remote technical support staff are ready to help if there are issues with your student's computer settings or installed software, such as Microsoft Teams. They are available to students Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Visit techsupport.detroitk12.org for remote assistance.
Loaner Laptops - If your student needs support with a school device, please contact our Customer Care team at (313) 240-4377. They are available Monday - Friday from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Learning Apps - If your student is having trouble with learning apps like i-Ready, CPM, or LearnZillion, ask your teacher to email info.clever@detroitk12.org for assistance. -
Being bullied?
Students have a right to be free from bullying and harassment of any kind. Cyberbullying is against the law and can result in serious consequences. If a student notices that they or someone in their school is experiencing bullying, please reach out to someone trusted at school - the principal, teacher, or school counselor. Bullying can also be reported through OK2Say, the District's school safety and bullying hotline.
Discriminated against in school?
Did you know students have civil rights protection at school? This includes the right to attend school free from discrimination and harassment based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, religion, height, weight, citizenship, marital or family status, military status, ancestry, genetic information, or any other legally protected category.
If you feel your child's civil rights, or those of someone in the school community, have been violated, make sure you tell a teacher or school administrator. You can also report concerns directly to the Office of Equity, Advocacy & Civil Rights.
Homeless or in foster care?
The Office of Homeless and Foster Care’s goal is to identify and support homeless youth so each student can successfully participate in the learning environment. Each student identified as homeless is eligible to receive access to District resources. These supports are put in place and are essential for students to excel academically and socially. Visit this page for more information.
No place to sleep tonight?
Are you a family who doesn’t have anywhere to go for the night?
Is your family staying with friends or relatives, on the street or someplace that is not suitable for living?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Office of Homeless and Foster Care (OHFC) is here to help. Parent(s) or guardians, call 313-748-6383.
If your family needs to get into a shelter immediately, a parent or guardian can call CAM at (313) 305-0311 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9 am - 6 pm and Wednesdays 11 am - 6 pm.