Specialized Curriculum

  • Cass Technical High School students are assigned a specialized curriculum based on their interests, strengths, and selections from their application. In addition to math, science, social studies, and English, students are engaged in courses that are specific to their individual curriculums. Please see the information below which outlines the specific courses students take during each year of school.

     Architecture & Design

    9th: Intro to Engineering Design

    10th: Principles of Engineering

    11th: UM Architecture Program/Civil Engineering in Architecture

    12th: Architectural Drafting 3 & 4


    9th: Management Support 1 & 2

    10th: Management Support 3 & 4,

    Accounting 1 & 2

    11th: Business Law, Accounting 3 & 4

    12th: International Business, Financial


    Chemical Biological

    9th: Honors Biology

    10th: Honors Chemistry

    11th: Physics, Qualitative & Quantitative

    Analysis, AP Chemistry

    12th: Microbiology, Physiology & Anatomy,

    AP Biology, Organic Chemistry

    Chemical Engineering

    9th: Intro to Engineering Design

    10th: Principles of Engineering, Honors Chemistry

    11th: Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis

    12th: Organic Chemistry, Robotics

    Computer Information Systems

    9th: Office Technology

    10th: Computer Technology

    11th: Cisco Networking 1 & 2

    12th: Cisco Networking 3 & 4

    Commercial Arts

    9th: Art Composition

    10th: Freehand Drawing

    11th: Figure Drawing

    12th: Color & Design, Painting,

    AP Studio Art


    9th: Speech I, Oral Communications

    10th: Creative Writing, Radio TV, Film Study

    11th: Journalism, Humanities, Great Plays

    12th: Speech II, Debate, Multimedia Publishing

    Graphic Arts

    9th: Graphic Communications

    10th: Photography

    11th: Offset Design 1 &2

    12th: Offset Design 3 & 4

    Human Services

    9th: Speech I, Oral Communications

    10th: Office Technology

    11th: African American History, Basic Law

    12th: Psychology, Sociology, Speech II, Debate

    Manufacturing Technology

    9th: Drafting 1 & 2

    10th: Industrial Technology or Computer

    Integrated Manufacturing

    11th: Mechanical Drafting 1 & 2, Robotics

    12th: Mechanical Drafting 3 & 4


    9th: Marketing 1 & 2

    10th: Marketing 3 & 4, Accounting 1 & 2

    11th: Intro to Entrepreneurship,

    Accounting 3 & 4

    12th: Multimedia Publishing


    Students choose from:

    Orchestra, Harp & Vocal, Band, or Choir

    Performing Arts

    9th: Speech, Oral Communications, Modern Dance

    10th: Radio/TV, Film Study

    11th: Drama 1, Drama 2

    12th: Speech II, Debate, Great Plays, Humanities