School Wide Attendance Initiative

  • School Wide Attendance Incentives

    As a school, we have Monthly Perfect Attendance Rewards, Weekly Attendance trophy recognition  per grade level, and an end of the year reward for students with 90-100% during the school year.  This is to help us achieve our 90% daily attendance goal. 

    Picking Up Students Early

    Students can not be picked up between 2:30 p.m. and the dismissal time!

    This policy aims at protecting your child’s education.

    The end of the day is rich in a variety of important activities: students receive the last instructional part of the day. It is a time of questions and answers, it is a time where homework is given and explained. It is also a time when different housekeeping activities take place. The end of the day routines are very important to teach students organizational skills, and to allow for a formal closing of the day’s activities.

    If your child has an important appointment (medical), then you need to schedule the pick-up before 2:30 p.m., so the end of the day routines may not be interrupted for the whole class, and the teacher.

    Thank you for your understanding and your support.

    The educational process is our priority.


    Procedure for reporting an absence

    If your child will be absent, please call the office by 9:00 a.m. with the following information:

    1. The name of the person calling
    2. The name of the student and his/her room number or teacher
    3. The day of the absence 
    4. The reason for the absence and when you will be able to provide the proper documentation

    When the student returns to class, please send a note explaining the reason and date for the absence.

    Picking a child up during school hours

    Please do everything possible to keep your child in school daily. Set up appointments for after-school hours so you do not have to interrupt your child's instruction.  If an emergency arises and you must take your child during the school hours, please follow this procedure:

    1. The parent or guardian must report to the office with official identification at the designated time and sign the child out.  The office will then contact the teacher and the child will be sent to the office.  The parent MUST wait in the office for the child. 
    2. We are very conscious of the safety of our students.  Because of this, only students who have been signed out will be allowed to leave their classroom.
    3. If the parent cannot pick up the child, the only individuals permitted to remove the child from school grounds will be those mentioned on the PowerSchool System .  Even older siblings cannot remove a child.  In this event, more than likely we will call you to make sure you have authorized this early pick-up. 

    Retuning a child to school:

    If a student returns to school the same day after being signed out, they need to come to the office before retuning to class to be signed back into school.


    School begins promptly at 8:15 a.m. Students arriving tardy must enter through the main door. Teachers will mark the tardy in the classroom.