Welcome to Coleman A. Young Elementary School!

Welcome Back!

  • Dear Coleman A. Young Elementary Family,

    Welcome back to the 2024 -25 School Year! 

    I hope that you all enjoyed your summer. With all that we have been through over the past two years, my hope is that all of you are doing well and are eager to return to learning. 

    I would like to extend a special welcome to all the new families joining our Coleman A. Young (CAY) family and welcome back all our returning families as well! As we ready our building for student arrival, I want you to know that DPSCD is fully committed to maintaining a safe learning environment. Many protocols have been put into place to ensure we maintain a healthy environment. Some of these items are as follows:

    We have an exciting year planned at Coleman A. Young, some of our highlights are:

    • Our Eureka Math and EL Education Reading/Writing curricula will allow students to undertake tasks that require perseverance, imagination, teamwork, self-discipline, and allow them to experience significant achievement.
    • The new Amplify science curriculum is a K–8 science curriculum that blends hands-on investigations, literacy-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists. 

    New and improved intervention programs for all grades will be in place for all students in need of basic skills assistance.

    • All K-5 students will have physical education and visual art.
    • Daily Morning Meetings will focus on Climate and Culture and celebrate students for reaching goals and targets (i.e. Attendance, Positive Behavior, Academic Growth, etc.).
    • Peer Mentoring and Student Advisory to support students academically, socially, and emotionally
    • Our DPSCD CAY Website, Twitter account, and Facebook page will be fully functional and updated with announcements, events, and highlights.


    Additional information:

    School Hours:

    -Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. – 3:40 p.m. (½ day dismissal time is 11:30)

    -Breakfast is served daily from 8:30a.m-9:00 a.m.



    • navy blue pants
    • yellow Collared shirts with a green plaid tie


    • green plaid skirts/skorts or jumpers
    • yellow peter pan shirts with a green plaid cross tie

    Locations to get your uniform can be found on our website.

    Let me close by saying that I am very excited about the new school year, and I look forward to our partnership in ensuring that students are successful. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (313) 852-0725 or email: Melissa.scott@detroitk12.org.

    I look forward to our educational partnership, and thank you for choosing Coleman A. Young Elementary!


    Melissa Scott
