•  Parent Handbook


    Statement to Parents & Students

    The goal of Stevens T. Mason Academy is to serve its students by providing an education that promotes their well-being and enhances their lives.  The staff believes that education is a continuing growth process. The school, parents, and community must form a cooperative partnership and work jointly for our students’ cognitive intellect, physical, language, ethical, psychological and social development. Stevens T. Mason Academy School strives to provide a clean and safe environment that is conducive to learning.

    Report Cards & Progress Reports

    Report cards will be issued to students four times a year, about every ten weeks.  Official progress reports will be issued four times a year.  Weekly student progress reports forms are available in the office for any parent requesting one.  Please consult the monthly calendars for the exact dates and times; the monthly calendar will be published the first day of each month beginning in October 2019.  It is essential parents meet with teachers, pick up report cards, obtain explanation of test scores and most importantly monitor class assignments & homework.

    Grading: Across the Curriculum

    Honor Roll

                Stevens T. Mason Academy has two different Honor Rolls. 


    Principal’s List Honor Roll  Grades 3rd – 8th                   “A”                  4.0


    Honor Roll Grades 3rd – 8th                                             “B”                        3.9 – 3.0

    K-2                                  Benchmarks & Standards All “PS” & Citizenship All “1”


    The following grading system will be used:

    A  =  100 – 90             C  =  79 – 70               F  =  59 – 0

    B  =    89 – 80             D  =  69 – 60

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    School Attendance

    The staff at Stevens T. Mason Academy School feels that regular attendance and daily punctuality by all students is essential.  Therefore, it is considered an important school requirement. 

    Steps to follow when absent:

    1. Parents/Guardian should call the main office and ask for Ms. Vinson the Attendance Agent on the 1st day the student misses or send a note to the Homeroom teacher stating the reason for the absence. If a student returns to school without a note, he/she must present a note the next day (within 24 hours) or the absence will be marked unexcused.  The note should contain:
    1. Date and Homeroom Teacher’s name
    2. Student’s full name
    3. Day(s) absent

    Reason for absence (personal illness, death in the family, medical appointments, and other emergencies that make it IMPOSSIBLE to attend school.)

    1. A doctor’s statement may be required for an extended illness.
    2. If the student has any physical restrictions, he/she must bring a signed note stating the restriction from his/her physician.
    3. Make-up work is available when applicable for extended absences. Enough notice should be given to the teacher when make-up work is requested.
    4. Student absence due to a field trip will be entered as a field trip. It is the responsibility of the teacher in charge of the trip to provide a list of all participants for attendance purposes to all teachers in the student’s block.
    5. Students must obtain make-up work assignments from his/her teachers within three days of returning to school. Make-up work is only granted to students with excused absences.  The work must be turned in to the teacher within a reasonable amount of time, determined by the teacher considering the circumstances.


    If the teacher suspects that the note from home is not a valid, he/she is to contact the home by telephone in order to ascertain the validity of the note.


    Tardiness & Truancy

    Students are required to be at school and in class on time.  Students who arrive at school after the tardy bell has rung are considered tardy.  If a student is late three times it is equal to one absence.  Students who are late to school must get a late pass from the office and proceed directly to class.


    Students are truant when he/she does not report to class with the group.  If a teacher detains a student, he/she must have a pass.  Truancy from school and/or class will result in supportive services being provided for the student through recommendations by the administrator, counselor or teacher.



    School Visitation

    Parents are encouraged to visit however an appointment will have to be arranged with the teacher. the school frequently and actively participate in the education of their child.  If parents want to conference with the teachers, it has to be during the teachers’ preparation periods.  Teachers’ preparation periods will be sent home on the October and February calendars.



    Telephone Calls

     The school telephone is for business calls only. Plans are to be made prior to leaving home in the morning.  Children will not be called to the telephone!!!!!  Students should not have to call home daily for pick-up.  In case of an emergency, please contact the Social Worker, School Counselor, Dean of Culture for assistance.


     School Hours

    Stevens T. Mason Academy School hours are 8:30 am until 3:40 pm. Mondays, Through Friday.  Breakfast is served in the cafeteria and students are expected to come to school at 8:15 am if they’d like to receive breakfast.


    Locker Assignments

    Students will be assigned to a locker by their homeroom teacher.  No more than two students will be assigned to a lock.  All personal items such as cell phones, IPADS & Tablets, purses, etc.… shall be secured in their assigned locker. We encourage parents to buy a combination lock for their child to secure items in the lockers.



    Bell Schedule



    Arrival:  Breakfast 8:15 - 8:30

    1st Period:  8:40 – 9:30

    2nd Period:  9:33 – 10:23

    3rd Period: 10:26 – 11:16

    4th Period: 11:19 – 12:09

    5th Period: 12:12 – 1:02

    6th Period:  1:05 – 1:55

    7th Period:   1:58 – 2:48

    8th Period:  2:51-3:40


    11:45 am dismissal

    Half days will be announced via:

    ·        School Newsletters / Memos

    ·        Automated Robo Calls

    ·        School

    ·        District Calendars



    Parents can follow the developed classroom curriculum by reviewing homework assignments.  The District, parents, and teachers recognize homework as an essential part of the learning process and an important factor in meeting instructional goals.  Homework reinforces skills, knowledge, and attitudes being developed in the classroom.  In addition, it helps students develop the lifelong skill of using time effectively.  The amount of homework assigned from grade levels and teachers will vary.  Refer to the link below for the number of weekly minutes for homework for each grade level.


    • Work on long-term assignments (reports, projects, etc.)
    • Review assignments returned and make corrections.
    • Read a book in your zone of proximal development.



     Bus Conduct

     The school bus and bus stop are considered an extension of the school building as they are on school grounds.  Students should respect these areas and help to keep them free of trash.  Behavioral expectations are the same as in school.  The driver must be respected as the person in authority, as he/she also responsible for the lives and safety of as many as 40 students.  His/her directions must be followed.  If the student causes continuous behavioral problems, the students will be removed from the bus and the parents will be responsible for the transportation.



    Cafeteria Rules

    Students will have a 40-minute lunch period each regular school day.  Students are expected to follow the directions of the adults supervising the lunchroom.  Students are permitted to bring beverages packaged in boxes or plastics.  No cans or glass bottles.  


    Stevens T. Mason Academy is a HEALTHY SCHOOL ZONE.  Candy, Soda pop, cupcakes, potato chips, and all other junk foods are not allowed and will be confiscated on sight.  Also, all students are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of their area.  Tables and floors must be clean before leaving the cafeteria.  Students are not to leave the cafeteria unless they have been given a pass or at their dismissal time.

    1. Listen to all adults the first-time directions are given
    2. Act in an orderly fashion.
    3. The food line should be a single line and cutting is unacceptable.
    4. Students must remain seated during the lunchtime.
    5. All food must be eaten in the cafeteria.
    6. Students must clean up after themselves.
    7. No Candy, Hot Chips or other Junk Food Allowed
    8. Throwing food in the cafeteria will result in an immediate suspension.
    9. Book bags will not be allowed in the cafeteria.






    Social Work

    The role of the social worker is to be actively involved with students, parents, and staff.  Services to Stevens T. Mason Academy School students may deal with health, social and emotional development, school progress, testing, career education, and personal concerns of any kind. We are glad to be apart of the Arab American & Chaldean Council for Social Work Service for our General Education students. They will service our students every Thursday and Friday of the week.


    School Supplies

    Paper and pencils are provided at intervals during the school year.  Each teacher will provide a list of additional supplies.  Students are issued textbooks upon returning the textbook sign off sheet.  If a textbook is lost, the student’s parent will be required to pay the appropriate replacement cost.  Every student at Mason will receive their personal laptop that may only be used in school. Parents are responsible for providing school supplies (pencils, paper, bookbag etc..)


    Dress Code

    All students are expected to exemplify proper grooming standards in a manner that projects an appropriate image for the student, school, and district.

    Shirts shall be worn inside the slacks with belts at all times by all students unless the pants are designed to be worn without a belt.

    The district shall not require specific brands of clothing. All clothing items must be of an approved color from the common color selections presented in this dress code policy.

    Slacks and Pants

    • Color: All slacks, and pants must be a solid color: Navy Blue, Black or Khaki.

    Style: Slacks and pants can be pleated or flat front, full length, appropriately fastened at the waist.

    • Material: Cotton, corduroy, linen, polyester, wool or fabric blends. No Jeggings allowed


    • Shirts and blouses must have button down or straight collars. Turtlenecks and polo styles are permitted. All tops must be worn tucked inside pants, slacks or skirts.
    • Color: All students PreK -5 shall wear Forest green shirts, black or blue bottoms.
    • All students grade 6 shall wear Light blue shirts Khaki bottoms only.
    • All students grade 7 shall wear Yellow shirts Khaki bottoms only.
    • All students grade 8 shall wear Burgundy shirts Khaki bottoms only.
    • Style: Long or short sleeves with a collar required. Turtlenecks and polo styles are permitted.
    • Logos: Manufacture trademarks, if any, must be one inch or less.
    • DPS school logos are permitted and are not limited in size.

    Skirts and Jumpers/Skorts

    • Color: Navy blue and black, in a solid, single color. Pre K - 5
    • Style: Skirts must be at least knee length.

     Jackets, Cardigans, and Sweaters

    • Color: Should match an accepted uniform color
    • Style: All must be worn over a collared shirt, turtleneck or polo style top.
    • Jackets and sweaters cannot have hoods.


    • Style: Black or navy-blue gym shoes. Laced shoes and/or shoe boots, loafers, dress shoes, or other closed toes/closed heel shoes.
    • Mules described as closed toes and open heel are appropriate.
    • Students shall not wear house slipper, flip-flops, or any other type of footwear that could constitute a safety hazard. Students are also prohibited from wearing steel-toes boots or shoes to school.




     DPSCD Code of Conduct

         The years spent at Stevens T. Mason Academy School should bring about a positive change in every student.  Students are to conduct themselves as young ladies and young men.  During this period, students should be preparing themselves for high school, which is the pathway to adulthood.

               We must learn to have mutual respect for one another so that we can work in harmony to create an outstanding learning environment.  If we want to reach our goals and keep them, we must learn to respect and acknowledge the rights of the school.

               There is always time for civility at Stevens T. Mason Academy School.  Always remember, that courtesy and civility are contagious.  It is with that in mind that the administration and faculty have prepared the following expectations for our students:


    Possession of Cellular Phones

    Students are allowed to bring their cell phones to school.  5th through 8th grade student must turn off and secure their cell phones in their lockers.  All 5th through 8th grade students should purchase a lock for their locker to secure their personal items.  1st through 4th grade students can carry their cell phones on their person, but it must be turned off at all times.  Any student witnessed using a cell phone will have their cell phone confiscated immediately.  Even if the phone rings, it will be confiscated. Parents can contact the office to schedule an appointment to reclaim a confiscated cellular phone.  Students can be suspended up to 3 days for inappropriate use of electronic device after their second infraction.  If any student refuses to turn in their cell phone if they are observed using the phone in the building they will be immediately suspended for insubordination.

     Possession of a PCD by a student at school during school hours and /or during extra-curricular activities is a privilege that may be forfeited by any student who fails to abide by the terms of this policy, or otherwise abuses this privilege.  If the PCD is confiscated, it will be released/returned to the student’s parent/guardian after the student complies with any other disciplinary consequences that are imposed, unless the violation involves potentially illegal activity in which case the PCD may be turned over to law enforcement. A confiscated device will be marked in a removeable manner with the student’s name and held in a secure location in the building’s central office until it is retrieved by the parent/guardian or turned over to law enforcement.


    Possession of Cellular Phones

     Except as permitted by applicable law, PCDs and other electronic devices shall not be used to capture, record or transmit the words ( I.e. audio) and /or images ( i.e. pictures/video) of any student, staff member or other person in the school or at a school- related activity, without express prior notice and consent of authorized school personnel.  Unless authorized by the Deputy Superintendent/Chief of Schools or her/his designee, the use of any camera or device which contains a camera that takes still or motion pictures regardless of format is prohibited.



    In order to comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (“CIPA”), the District has implemented technology protection measures protecting against (e.g., filter or block”) access to visual displays/depictions/materials deemed as obscene, constitute child pornography, and/or are harmful to minors. The District’s Technology Department uses software and/or hardware to monitor online activity to restrict access to child pornography and other material that is obscene, objectionable, inappropriate and/or harmful to minors.


    Any user who violates the established standards and/or the District’s Acceptable Use policies, or who accesses the District’s technology resources or information systems without authorization may be prospectively denied access to the District’s technology resources. If the violation is committed by a contractor, vendor or agent of the District, the contract may be subject to cancellation. Further disciplinary action may be taken if the violation is committed by a student or employee.


    The owner of a PCD bears all responsibility and assumes all risk of theft, loss, or damage to, or misuse or unauthorized use of the device while it is on District property. This provision applies to everyone, regardless of their affiliation or connection to the District.


    Children's Internet Protection Act - Pub. L. (106-554) (1996)



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    Hall Order

    1. Running, littering, loitering, excessively loud or boisterous noise making is not permitted.
    2. Please, pick up any pencils, wrappers, etc... that you see on the floor or stairways. These items can be dangerous.
    3. When moving through the halls, students are to always walk to the right in a line.
    4. Hall sweeps to begin the first month of school. These hall sweeps are intended to have the students move quickly from class to class without loitering in the hallways, and to not use the restrooms, the fourth and fifth grade wing along with the rear gym corridor as places for truancy.  After 3 minutes teachers will close and lock their doors.  All students caught in the hallway will be subject to discipline. 
    5. In middle school, restroom breaks will be given 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th hour by their teacher. When this presents a scheduling conflict the affected classes and teachers will work out a restroom schedule.
    6. Girls will be allowed to carry purses no larger than a clutch to class. No large purses.
    7. Students will go to their lockers upon their arrival, before lunch and upon exiting. With the exception of students going to and/or returning from gym no students are to be at their lockers outside of the mention times.
    8. All teachers will be on hall duty during class passing. Additional staff will be stationed in the hallway by the library during entrance and dismissal times to assist with rest room monitoring.

    Building Hall Sweeps:

    There will be routine HALL SWEEPS to keep the halls clear and to keep students on task.

    Below is our “Hall Sweep” Policy.

    • Students are given three (3) minutes to transition.
    • After you hear the Calm Classroom Bell, teachers are to close and lock their doors.
    • Security and administration will then sweep all corridors and move students to the Attendance Office.
    • Once processed, students will be given a yellow tardy pass and sent back to class.
    • The teacher is then to accept the student in class, marking them tardy.
    • A file will be maintained in the Attendance Office tracking student’s status.


    1st OFFENSE: Verbal Warning

    2nd OFFENSE: 1 day of Friday Detention

    3rd OFFENSE: Parent Conference

    4th OFFENSE: 1-3 days of in/out of school suspension


     The counting of Hall Sweeps will start over each quarter. Instructional time is precious. It is the student’s responsibility to get to class on time. 




    During the school year, students will be engaged in standardized assessments.  All students should be in regular attendance during this time. 

    These tests are as follows:                                              


    • NAEP
    • M-STEP
    • MI-Access
    • WIDA
    • IReady
    • Pre / Post Instructional Cycle Assessment
    • Teacher Designed Formative Assessments
    • Data Director Benchmark Assessments Gr. 5/8


    Visitors to the School

    All visitors to Stevens T. Mason Academy School must sign in and report to the main office. Visitation will be conducted by appointments only.  An “authorized visitors pass” will be issued to the parent to observe their child’s classes.  This procedure is in effect from 8:30 a.m. until 3:40 p.m. An appointment can be made when parents want to talk with an individual teacher.  The teacher’s preparation periods will be sent home on the back of the October and February calendar.



    Bullying & Other Aggressive Behavior

    It is the policy of the Board of Education to maintain a learning environment that is free of all types of harassing behaviors; it is a violation of the District’s Student Code of Conduct.  All bullying and cyber-bullying shall be prohibited against all students, educators, employees, parents/guardians, contractors, agents, and volunteers.




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    Promotional Standards

    For our students to compete in the Global Market Place it is essential that all students promoted from one grade to the next meet national norms and expectations.  Detroit Public Schools Community District uses the IReady/ MStep assessment to measure the annual growth of all students in grades Kindergarten through 8th.  At Mason Academy, a student must meet the following end of year criteria to be promoted to the next grade level.  After your child takes the beginning of year test, you will receive a parent report detailing your child’s end of year projected targets.  If their projected target is less than the promotional targets that have been set, please work with your child’s teacher, counselor, or social worker to establish an Individualized Development Plan that will get your child back on track to grade level proficiency.

    Students that meet their grade level growth targets and our promotional targets will be invited to special field trips and in school activities.

    Students must also submit at minimum, 85% of their classwork and homework assignments to be eligible for promotion.   Students will be allowed to make up missing assignments from days absent or days suspended.  These assignments must be completed and returned no later than 3 days after the student’s return to school.  Please work with the school counselor or social worker to collect and return all make-up work.



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    PowerSchool Parent Access:

    Our school uses a student information system called PowerSchool. This is a web-based system that provides real time management of student data. Using PowerSchool Parent Access, you will be able to access your student's grades, assignments, attendance and schedule through the Internet. You will need the following information to log on to PowerSchool:

    Web Address:

    Once you have navigated to the web address you will need to create an account. Account passwords and ID’s can be retrieved from your child’s homeroom teacher.

    Please keep your passwords and usernames confidential. Parent/Guardian usernames and passwords can be shared between parents. We hope this accessibility to data will assist you as we work together to provide the best learning opportunities for your child.

    PowerSchool is now portable! The PowerSchool for Parents app is available for download from the App Store and compatible with the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Parents can easily view each child's progress in a single feed to check grades, review assignments, and more! Also included in both apps is the option for students and parents to share classroom information through Facebook and Twitter.

    PowerSchool for Parents provides real-time access to:
    - Attendance - Final Grades
    - School Announcements - Standards Scores
    - Assignments - Citizenship Grades
    - Assignment Scores - Lunch Transactions
    - Teacher Comments - Fee Transactions
    You can also use PowerSchool for Parents to register to receive email alerts for grades, attendance, assignments and


    “Excellence is never an accident.  It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” – Aristotle



    Detroit Public Schools Community District

    Vision:  The Future We Want

    All Students will have the knowledge, skills and confidence necessary to thrive in our city, our nation, our world.


    Mission:  The Work We Do

    We educate and empower every student, in every community, every day, to build a stronger Detroit.