Academic Assistance

  • After School Tutoring / Extended Day Program Enrollment 


    The Henderson Academy After School Enrichment program has 3 sessions. The first begins in September, the second in January, and the third in March. Your child will be selected by their teacher to attend 1 session for the year.   Participation is for grades 2nd - 8th ONLY.  Students will receive additional assistance in math and reading, based on 2019 I-Ready scores and teacher recommendations.  

    The program days convened are Monday's, Tuesday's, and Thursday's, 4:15pm - 6:00pm - SPACES ARE LIMITED.



    City of Detroit After School Recreation Program


    Open to ALL DETROIT KIDS grades K-8

    Detroit children will have more locations for recreational activities as 12 schools become After-School Fun Centers through a partnership with the City and Detroit Public Schools Community District.

    The centers will operate from Monday through Friday from 4 p.m - 6:00 p.m. and provide Detroit youth, grades K-8, can attend 12 after-school recreation centers in Detroit schools and take part in activities, such as chess, board games, arts-n-crafts, and various athletic and educational activities.

    • Brenda Scott, 18440 Hoover - 4pm-6pm
    • Burton International, 2001 Martin Luther King - 4pm-6pm
    • Charles Wright, 19299 Berg - 4pm-6pm
    • Earhart, 1000 Scotten - 4pm-6pm
    • Erma Henderson, 16101 W. Chicago - 4pm-6pm
    • Gardner, 6528 Mansfield - 4pm-6pm
    • Gompers, 14450 Burt Rd - 4pm-6pm
    • John R King, 15850 Strathmoor - 4pm-6pm
    • Mackenzie, 10147 W. Chicago - 4pm-6pm
    • Ronald Brown, 11530 E. Outer Dr - 4pm-6pm
    • Schulze, 10700 Santa Maria St - 4pm-6pm
    • Wayne, 10633 Courville St - 4pm-6pm

    The program is open to Detroit children only. Parents/guardians must register their children for the program by filling out the form.