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- Student Code of Conduct
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Student Code of Conduct
Detroit Public Schools Community District seek to ensure a safe and orderly environment for every student. To make our schools the Centers of Excellence that we all expect them to be, we must ensure that students follow the Code of Conduct and display positive behavior in and out of the classroom.
It is important that all parents review the Student Code of Conduct booklet and discuss its contents with their children. Doing so also will help us achieve our goals to improve student achievement, create clean and safe school environments, enhance parental and community involvement.
What we expect of Students
Personal behavior
Students have the responsibility to reasonably avoid any behavior that is detrimental to achieving their own or other students’ educational goals. Students must cooperate in taking reasonable care of books, other instructional materials, technology, and encourage a climate where learning is cherished. Most particularly, students must refrain from engaging in behavior that violates the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct.Respect for staff
Students have the responsibility of showing respect for the knowledge and the authority of school staff. Students must obey reasonable directions; use only acceptable and courteous language; avoid actions that show contempt and appeal decisions through the channels as described in this code. Assaults on school staff will not be tolerated.
Respect for fellow students
Students have the responsibility of showing respect for the rights and human dignity of fellow students. For example, students must refrain from name-calling, fighting, harassment, belittling or engaging in deliberate attempts to embarrass or harm another student.
Code of Conduct The Code of Conduct provides rules and regulations to govern student behavior during school, en route to and from school and at school related events. The Code also outlines the attendance policy, appropriate student attire and behavior requirements. It also outlines actions which interfere with school programs and/ or are prohibited by State law. * Student Code of Conduct * Students’ Rights, Responsibilities & Code of Conduct – English * Student Code Frequently Asked Questions for Parents
Attendance – On Time, Every Day, All Day
All students are expected to be in school every day and on time for each class. All students are expected be in a designated area within the school building or in their scheduled classroom before the tardy bell rings. All students have the right to be provided with equitable instructional time. Schools have the right to prevent students with excessive tardiness from interrupting the educational process of other students.
Appropriate Student Dress in Grades K-12
All students, including students exempt from the student dress code, are expected to exemplify proper grooming standards in a manner that projects an appropriate image for the student, school, and district.
At the school’s discretion, shirts shall be worn inside slacks with belts and by all students unless the shirt is designed to be worn outside the slacks or the pants are designed to be worn without a belt.
The District shall not require specific brands of clothing. All clothing items must be of an approved color from the common color selections presented in this dress code policy.