Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

  • Arrival in the Morning

    • Doors open at 7:45 am. 
    • Female Students must enter through Exit 1 and proceed directly to the cafeteria until 7:50 am. 
    • Male Students must enter throught Exit 3 and proceed directly to the cafeteria until 7:50 am.
    • Bus Students must enter through Exit 4 and proceed directly to the cafeteria until 7:50 am.
    • Classrooms open at 7:55 am and class starts promptly at 8:00 am. 



    • All visitors must have a valid I.D and be checked in by Security after entering through Exit 1. 
    • After being checked in by security, visitors must report directly to the main office. 
    • The front office will call the student down in order to go home. Visitors MUST sign out their child in the main office.
    • Please note: Only contacts on the Student Information System will be allowed to sign a student out. 
    • All employees, contractors, and visitors must have their ID badge visible. 



    • Students will be released at 3:20 pm. 
    • There will be no early releases after 3:00 pm. 
    • Any student in after school Athletics, Credit Recovery, Enrichment, or Driver's Education must report to the large cafeteria from 3:30- 3:45 pm for supper.
    • Any student NOT in after school activities must clear the building and campus by 3:30 pm.