- Cody
- Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
- Early Pick Up & Walk Home Pass Procedures
If you need to PICK UP YOUR CHILD early from Cody we ask that you do the following:
- Visit Main Office First
- Show Valid ID - Your name must be on the student records - NO EXCEPTIONS
- ANYONE NOT on the Student Records will NOT be allowed to Pick Up Student - NO EXCEPTIONS
- Sign Student OUT in Main Office - A Log Book is provided
- Arrive BEFORE 3pm - NO EARLY PICKUPS will be granted after 3pm (unless you have been called by an administrator to pick up child)
- Students are NOT allowed to leave the building and be picked up outside. A Parent or Guardian MUST SIGN STUDENT OUT and Accompany them out of the building.
At an ADMINISTRATORS Request ONLY, students are allowed to leave early with a SIGNED WALK HOME pass. Parents/Guardians and Administrators work together to assist in this procedure. As the student may NOT leave the building without this SIGNED DOCUMENT.
*Any student leaving the CODY HIGH SCHOOL CAMPUS without permission will be deemed as truant and a suspension wil be granted.
HOW TO ADD A PICK UP CONTACT: Only Parents/Guardians listed on records can add to records. Please see Mrs. Shepphard in Main Office to add person/persons allowed to pick up student.
NOTE: We do understand that situations occur and early dismissal/pick up may be necessary, however, we have rules in place for the safety of your child. We are not allowed to release students to individuals that WE cannot verify has permission to do so. We also CAN NOT release students to children (under 18) a sibling or otherwise.