Family Independence Specialist/ Success Coach



Degrees and Certifications:

Coming Soon..

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Pathways to Potential Success Coach assigned to Roberto Clemente Learning Academy will be able to:

-Provide support with the health, safety, self-sufficiency, education and chronic absenteeism of students and their families. 

-Assist with removing barriers that prevent access to health care, increase access to mental health resources, and support good hygiene and physical fitness.

-Promote and encourage perfect attendance with all students!

-Answer questions about DHHS cases if you have them. 


Options to submit your MDHHS documents:

UPLOAD: The MiBridges customer portal at

FAX: 1-517-346-9888

US MAIL: Use the address listed on your return envelope received from MDHHS.


It is imperative to include in Subject Line: Case Name, Case# and ID# for whom document is regarding.

Due to the heightened risk of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) we are encouraging people to avoid public spaces and ask that you come to the office only in the event of an imminent need, emergency, or a previously scheduled appointment or visit.

You can access MiBridges at from your phone or any computer, for your benefit needs including:

• Applying for benefits – food, cash, Medicaid, SER, etc.

• Checking benefits

• Address changes

• Uploading of documents

Please call 888-678-8914 to request a new Bridge card if necessary.