• Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

    Social-emotional development is a child’s ability to understand the feelings of others, control their own feelings and behaviors, and get along with peers. In order for children to attain the basic skills they need, such as cooperation, following directions, demonstrating self-control and paying attention, they must have social-emotional skills. Feelings of trust, confidence, pride, friendship, affection and humor are all a part of a child’s social-emotional development. A child’s positive relationship with trusting and caring adults is the key to successful social and emotional development. Social and emotional development involves the acquisition of a set of skills.

     The skills the students will be able to:

    1. Identify and understand one’s own feelings

    2. Accurately read and comprehend emotional states in others

    3. Manage strong emotions and their expressions in a constructive manner

    4. Regulate one’s own behavior

    5. Develop empathy for others

    6. Establish and sustain relationships

    *Each of these skills develop on their own timetable and build upon one another.*

    A child’s social-emotional development provides them with a sense of who they are in the world, how they learn, and helps them establish quality relationships with others. It is what drives an individual to communicate, connect with others, and more importantly, helps resolve conflicts, gain confidence and achieve goals. Building a strong social-emotional foundation as a child will help the child thrive and obtain happiness in life. They will be better equipped to handle stress and persevere through difficult times in their lives as an adult.