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    Charles R. Drew Transition Center

    9600 Wyoming ~ Detroit, Michigan 48204

    (313) 873-6880 ~ Fax: (313) 651-0157

     Robert Avedisian, Principal







    August 6, 2024


    Greetings to all Parents/Guardians:


    We want to welcome back our students and extend a warm welcome to the new students coming to Drew. The purpose of this communication is to provide you with information about the 2024-2025 school year at the Charles R. Drew Transition Center in the Detroit Public Schools Community District. Drew administration will consist of Assistant Principal Miriam Dzandu-Phillips and Assistant Principal Simone Gardner-Wimbley.


    Visitors to the Building

    All visitors must check in at the security desk. The security officer will advise you of the next steps. Drew does have a metal detector and wands. Visitors will be subject to screening, as this is considered a best practice to ensure the safety and security of students and staff.


    Additional Information:

    The first day of school for students is Monday, August 26, 2024. The school hours are 9:00 AM - 4:10 PM. The transportation department (313) 945-8600 will be mailing information to you on bus route numbers. School is dismissed at 4:10 p.m. In the event you will be late you must notify the main office at (313) 873-6880. If we are unable to reach a student’s family by 4:25 p.m., we will contact DPSCD Police at (313) 748-6000. Additionally, in the event no one is home when the school bus arrives, the transportation department will contact DPSCD Police and Protective Services. 



    Beginning on the 1st day of school, please ensure your student has a visible means of identification that includes: his/her name, contact number, and bus route information.


    Emergency Contact Information

    Please know that we need to maintain an emergency contact sheet for students that identifies individual emergency contacts and their phone numbers. I am a principal that wants to be proactive and not reactive. On several occasions last year, we had a need to contact a student’s family because of a situation that had occurred in school. Some phone numbers we had were disconnected and/or family members identified were no longer viable contacts. A form will soon be sent home with your student by his/her teacher on the first day of class. Be prepared to list at least 2 contact phone numbers. Your student should return it to his/her membership teacher the following day. Please notify us as soon as possible of any changes to your contact information.


    Cell Phones/Electronic Devices/Headphones

    Cell phones have been the root of many problems at Drew. Therefore, the use of cell phones/electronic devices (e.g. radio headphones) during school hours is prohibited unless approved by the administration and teacher for educational purposes. It is our school policy that students must have their phones turned off and they must not be visible. A parent/guardian can get a message to their son/daughter by contacting the main office (313) 873-6880. The first time a student is caught using a phone/electronic device during the day for other than educational purposes, they will receive a warning. If they are caught again, the phone/electronic device will be confiscated until the end of the school day. Drew and DPSCD are not responsible for the loss, theft, damage, or vandalism to students’ cell phones or electronic devices. We cannot expend time looking for loss cell phones or electronic devices.


    Student Dress

    Student dress should reflect the importance of the skills they receive and the education. All students are expected to dress and groom in a way that best reflects themselves, their families, and their school. Due to the number of different programs at Drew, it is difficult to be detailed to what a student is to wear. For example, a student who is in the horticulture program will be working with dirt. Thus, they should come to school dressed in a manner that is applicable to that type of work (i.e. no new clothes that they cannot get dirty). Items to avoid include the following:

                 • Ripped, torn, shredded, distressed, or otherwise modified clothing

                 • Clothing that is either revealing or provocative, showing abdomen region or cleavage, halter tops, or pants that sag below the waistline or that are excessively tight

                 • Bedtime attire such as pajamas, undershirts, or undergarments as outerwear

                 • Clothing that displays statements or pictures that are related to the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, or sex, that promote hate and/or violence or signify gang affiliations

                 • Attire that may be considered weapons, including but not limited to chain belts or wallet chains

                 • Jewelry or similar artifacts that are obscene or may cause disruptions to the educational environment

                 • Hats, caps, bandanas, bonnets, or do-rags, except headwear worn for legitimate religious or cultural purposes.



    We are not responsible for any lost or stolen personal items. Please keep all valuables at home.


    We want you to know that we truly feel it is a privilege to continue to serve the parents and families of the Detroit Public Schools Community District. We will continue to have high expectations for the students of the Transition Center.



    Educationally yours,


    Robert Avedisian, Principal