• Emergency

    My parent(s) are abusive, can someone help me? 



    911 or Local Police Station (Precinct)

    Child Protective Services or Elder Abuse Phone: 855-444-3911 Fax: 616-977-1158 Website: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-73971_7119---,00.html

    Domestic Violence Women In Touch in Detroit, MI Phone: 313-737-7168
    Email: womenintouch93@yahoo.com Hours: 24 hours

    YWCA of Metropolitan Detroit - The Interim House 985 E. Jefferson Avenue Suite 101 Detroit, MI. 48207 Phone: 313-259-9922 Email: ywca@ywcadetroit.org

    Michigan Coalition Against Domestic Violence Help Agency Phone: 313-267-4005 Website: mcedsv.org