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The week-long celebration included a dress like a staff day, a sports day, and a variety of other fun activities.

On dress like a staff day, students came to school dressed as their favorite Mason Academy teacher or staff member.

staffspirit week

There were teachers, principals, secretaries, and even custodians roaming the halls.

spirit week

The students had a great time impersonating their favorite staff members, and the staff members enjoyed seeing their students' creative costumes.

On sports day, students wore their favorite team jerseys and colors.

spirit weekspirit week

sports day

To conclude spirit week, the staff pranked Principal Johnson. They wore his everyday uniform of Mason polo shirt and khakis. Some even added beards and bald heads to match Principal Johnson's hair style. Principal Johnson was surprised and delighted by the prank.

spirit week

Mrs. Curry and Mrs. Long had to maintain "Prinicpal Johnson's" serious face all day.


"I had a wonderful time celebrating spirit week with our students," Principal Johnson said. "They are so creative and enthusiastic. I was especially touched by the prank at the end of the week. It showed me how much they care about me and about our school."

Mason Academy's spirit week was a success. It was a fun and exciting way to celebrate the school community and to show appreciation for Principal Johnson. The students and staff had a great time, and they will always remember the memories they made during spirit week

spirit weekspirit weekspirit week.