- Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Morning Drop-Off
For the safety of our students:
- The school will be opened at 7:30. Classes will begin at 8:00. Students should not arrive on campus before 7:30. If your child is eating breakfast at school, she MUST arrive so that he/she can eat and go to class when the first bell rings at 7:55. Note: If students are late, they will not be denied breakfast but they will miss instructional time.
- If dropping off from the car lines, be sure to let the student out only from the lane closest to the sidewalk. Do not block busses. You will be asked to move for the safety of the students.
- All students must enter through door 4 on the Bloom St. side of the building.
- Students will go to the cafeteria until 7:55. At 7:55, students are released/picked up for class.
- Conferences can be scheduled by contacting your child's teacher. All conferences will be held before or after school, during the teachers Preparation period or on Parent Teacher Conference days.
- If student is late, parents should come into the main office so the student can be excused.
- Reminder: Attending school daily and on time is a requirement of the application school acceptance process.
After School Dismissal/Pick-Up
- School dismissal is at 3:20
- If you have an emergency and need pick up you child early please do so before 2:50pm, so you do not interupt the last period of learning.
- Be sure not to call your child down to wait for you in the office. Students may not use phones during class time.
- For early dismissals, you must come in and sign students out from the main office. You will need an ID and be on the students contact list to pick up any students. Please be sure to keep you contacts updated. We will not dismiss students early after 3:15 as teachers prepare for dismissal.
- Students will be dismissed from the Main office.
- Vehicles are not allowed in the bus zone, in front of the school.
- Visitors must report to the main office to sign in and receive a visitor’s pass for each visit. ·
Visitors MUST check out when leaving.
- Please make an appointment to meet with Teachers, Counselor or Administrator to discuss individual student concerns.
- Teachers are not able to meet during the school day without a scheduled appointment. If your concern is of an urgent matter, please come into the office.
- To minimize instructional disruptions, parents will not be allowed to go to the classroom to speak with their child. If you need to speak to your child, he/she will be called to the office.