- Crockett
- Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
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Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
The school building will open at 7:30 a.m., and students will not be admitted earlier. Students who arrive early are to sit in the Cafeteria or Forum only and not in the Main Office. Breakfast will be available to students . Students are not allowed to wander the hallways or go to the locker areas or the 2nd or 3rd floors until the bell sounds at 7:55 a.m.
Early Dismissals
Occasionally, we will have early dismissals from school. Unless it is an emergency, it will be noted on our school calendar in advance and/or sent through a call system or posted on our website. We will also do our best to send out email splashes to any parents who have shared their email addresses with us.
Early Pick-Ups by Parents
Early pick-up disrupts the learning process. While we understand that appointment scheduling and emergencies are unavoidable, we ask that parents limit early pick-ups. Also, students who miss more than 15 minutes of a class may be marked as absent from the class. If it is necessary to take your child out of school early, you must come in person to the Main Office and present photo identification. We check identification for the protection of our students. Further, the person picking up the student must be listed on their record. Parents may complete a form to add names of individuals allowed to pick-up your child.
Late Pick-Ups by Parents
Students must clear the campus within 30 minutes of dismissal, or by 3:30 p.m. Staff members will not be available to supervise students beyond this time and students will not allowed to remain in the building.
Leaving School without Permission
Leaving the building without permission is a serious offense, i.e. going to a restaurant off campus or leaving early without permission from parents and the Main Office. Neither the school nor parents know where the student is. Offenders will be suspended. This is considered a flagrant violation of school rules and regulations.