Parent Academy Workshops

  • DPSCD offers families healthy and free activities focusing on career preparation, ways to help your child, how to cope with trauma, handling stress, and various family enrichment events. 

    The Parent Academy targets three key pillars:

    • Student Achievement – workshops and activities that provide strategies and tools for parents to support academic achievement at home and in school
    • Personal and Professional Development – workshops that build confidence while addressing basic needs, employment, family support, financial literacy and goal setting for the healthy development of families
    • Parenting/Advocacy – workshops for parents and caregivers to build and increase their effectiveness in advocating on behalf of children

    All Parent Academy courses are free of charge and designed for parents, caregivers and community members. Students are welcome to attend along with their families if appropriate.

    For more information, call (313) 873-7490 or email 


Parent Academy Catalog

  • DPSCD's Family and Community Engagement team will continue to provide Parent Academy courses throughout the year. They will offer fun and interactive content from cooking to coding. Check out the fall catalog to see what DPSCD is offering over the next few months. 

    View the Summer 2024 Catalog

    Register for a course today

    adults and children doing yoga poses outside

    For more information, visit 



Degrees and Certifications: