High school students
  • Enrollment in Grades 9-12

    The School at Marygrove High School (TSM) is one of DPSCD’s examination high schools and uses a selective admission process. Students living in the neighborhood catchment area receive priority points during the selection process.


    An application, essay and examination are required to apply at TSM. Once all requirements are completed and the examination is completed and passed, your student will receive notification of acceptance. At that point, the enrollment forms and all required documents must be received within an alloted timeframe in order to secure your student's(s) spot.


    To learn more, visit https://www.detroitk12.org/examschools 


    If you have questions, contact:

    • The School at Marygrove -- Main Office, 313-335-1330
    • DPSCD Enrollment – Selective Admissions, exam.schools@detroitk12.org, 313-873-6345