Dress Code



    Vernor Elementary-Middle School is a dress code school.  Please read the dress code policy requirements below.


    All students are expected to exemplify proper grooming standards in a manner that projects an appropriate image for the student, school, and district.

    Slacks and Pants: Students are allowed to wear tan/black khaki pants or black or blue jeansJeans may not be ripped or have holes.

    Tops: White, green, yellow polo shirts or plain white, yellow, green T-shirts.

    Skirts and Jumpers/Skorts Skirts and skorts must be at least knee-length.

    Hoodies: Solid colored hoodie with no writing on it may be worn. Note:  Students may not have a hood on their head in classrooms.

    Footwear: Athletic shoes, laced shoes and/or other shoe boots, loafers, dress shoes, or other close-toed/closed heel shoes. Students are prohibited from wearing toed boots or shoes, flip-flops or house shoes to school.




    QBody suits                               QBandana scarves / “do-rags”/bonnets

              QHouse shoes/slippers             QHoodies/T-shirts with logos/obscenities   

              QSagging Pants                         QRevealing / sheer clothing

    QFlip-flops/scandals                 QRipped jeans/leggings/jogging pants


    Note:  Crocs can be worn, but only in sport mode.