• Student Support Staff

    Priest is home to nearly 800 students, each with their own needs. The school provides services from:

    • Social Workers: provide emotional, behavioral, and academic support to students experiencing hardships, trauma, and other serious situations which are affecting their ability to be engaged in academics. Social workers have access to a variety of external resources as well.
    • Counselors and Deans: assist students with emotional, behavioral and academic issues which may come up during the school day. Counselors also partner with administration, students, and parents to ensure students are exposed to educational opportunities which suit their interests and graduation requirements. As a team, they collect academic, SEL, and behavioral data in order to position students for success in the future.
    • Academic Interventionists: considered "push-in" support. These staff members are strategically placed in classrooms with students who have the most need. They are able to give intervention during a lesson to address gaps immediately. AIs are also able to occasionally remove students from class to administer more intense intervention. Each form of intervention and support is chiefly under the direction of the teacher of record.
    • Attendance Agents: Our Attendance Agents monitor student attendance at both a micro and macro level and the varying degrees of absenteeism. As teachers, deans, administrators, and SCFs work with students to improve school truancy and other moderate forms of absence, attendance agents handle the more serious cases of chronic absenteeism.
    • Resource Teachers: offer support to students within their membership who are identified as ESE (exceptional student education). These staff members are responsible for working with core teachers to provide accommodations identified in our students' IEPs (individualized education plan). Our resource teachers spend most of their time "pushing in", to Occasionally, resource teachers will remove students from the classroom setting to provide more intense intervention and support.
    • Speech Therapists: provide supplemental sessions in which students will build their speaking and comprehension skills.

     The staff are available daily to provide the support our students need to achieve their academic goals. To learn more about our student services, visit our Student Services Tab.

District Resources

  • Technology Help

  • Being bullied?

  • Discriminated against in school?

  • Homeless or in foster care?

  • No place to sleep tonight?