After-School Program Banner
  • After School Programs

    After-School Enrichment (ASE)

    After-School Enrichment has is provided Monday through Thursday from 3PM until 4:45PM. Supper is provided.

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  • After-School Tutoring

    After-School Tutoring

    Get some assistance from grade-level teachers in a smaller setting.

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  • Lego We Do 2.0

    Lego We Do Robotics

    LEGO WeDo is a robotics hardware and software platform specifically designed for elementary-age students. As with other LEGO Education products it follows the 4 C’s process – Connect to a story, Construct a model, Contemplate its function, and Continue improving its design.

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  • Chess


    A board game of strategic skill for two players, played on a checkered board. Each player begins the game with sixteen pieces that are moved and used to capture opposing pieces according to precise rules. The object is to put the opponent's king under a direct attack from which escape is impossible Checkmate!

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  • RoboGators Robotics

    RoboGators Robotics

    Our RoboGators robotics team learns the engineering and programing (Coding) associated with robotics. They participate in city, regional and state competitions.

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