• Greetings Crusader Nation,  
    I am excited about the amazing things in store for this learning community! The 2024-2025 school year will prove to be our best year yet! Together, we are poised and positioned for greatness. There are a few “academic points of pride” that I wanted to introduce to you personally. This academic year we are pleased to offer Honors Coursework for every grade level and core content area at MLK! Honors classes hold a higher level of academic rigor, allowing students to be exposed to deeper levels of content and instruction. These offerings will also require a deeper academic commitment by the student and will further highlight your students’ abilities to colleges, universities, and recruiters alike. MLK teachers and counselors will recommend students for honors coursework based upon GPA, PSAT/SAT, iReady, Science and Social Studies test results, performance in core content classes, and teacher recommendations.
    Secondly, MLK Pathways and Programs are on the move! This year we have added 3 courses to our Pathway and Program Academic Catalog! This year MSAT (Math Science and Applied Technologies) students will be able to take AP Computer Science java; Sports Medicine, Marketing, and Management (M3); and students are eligible to take introduction to Coaching and Kinesiology (Exercise Science). Additionally, Martin Luther
    King Jr. Senior High School Administrative and Instructional teams have committed more Title I funding to support students in the areas of math, ELA, science, and social studies. This will come in the form of MLK Shield, an after-school tutoring program that will provide academic instructional support led by MLK teachers. Sign-up information for this program will be forthcoming.
    Lastly, MLK will be ramping up our college and career readiness course offerings, providing MLK students with more access to dual enrollment opportunities offered by our partners at Wayne County Community College District, University of Michigan, and University of Detroit Mercy, with more hopefully to come!
    I am so excited about all the amazing things happening right here at 3200 E. Lafayette for the 2024-2025 school year. By working together and “Keeping the Main Thing, the Main Thing,” which is ensuring your student earns a HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA, this will be our best one yet!
    The strength of any FAMILY is TOGETHERNESS, which is the glue that binds us, as we accomplish EXCELLENCE ABOVE ALL here at MLK. I passionately believe that eyes have not seen, and ears have not heard, nor minds able to fully conceive what we will be able to accomplish for the students and families TOGETHER at Martin Luther King, Jr. Senior High School.
    Educationally yours,  
    Damian H. Perry M.A. M.Ed. 
    Principal, Martin Luther King Jr. Senior High School