
    Virtual Office Hours for administrative team  
    • Our administrative team hosts weekly office hours to provide time for families to ask questions, share successes or discuss any concerns.  These sessions are the ideal time for parents to talk about the online learning experience, share suggestions and get clarity on school events. In addition to the virtual office hours listed below, parents can always call the school and contact Cass Tech staff by email or through the Microsoft Teams messaging system. 



      1st Hour | 8:00 am - Lisa Phillips- Principal

      2nd Hour | 9:00 am –  Lauren Kazin - Assistant Principal

      3rd Hour | 10:00 am – Velma Snow - Assistant Principal

      4th Hour | 11:00 am – Tiffany Cox - Assistant Principal

      5th Hour |12:00 pm –  Rodney Hall - Dean of Culture

      6th Hour | 1:00 pm –  Leonard Fields - Assistant Principal

      7th Hour | 2:00 pm –  Patricia Perry- Assistant Principal

      8th Hour |3:00 pm - Asenath Jones Richmond - Dean of Culture


      Microsoft Teams meeting 

      Join on your computer or mobile app 

      Click here to join the meeting 

      Or call in (audio only) 

      +1 313-462-2305,,268292311# United States, Detroit 

      Phone Conference ID: 268 292 311# 

      Find a local number | Reset PIN