Student Expectations

  • The first weeks of online learning will require patience and time for adjustments. Schoology will be new for everyone, classroom friends and small groups will be new, and establishing routines will be new. It’s ok for this to feel a little messy and require kids to build stamina for their online lessons. Making sure your child has brain breaks throughout the day will help them adjust to their new learning environment.

    Below find some recommendations to support your child with online learning.

    Be On Time

    Create a Positive Learning Environment

    Be an Active Participant

    Be Respectful and Responsible

    • Follow the online time schedule based on what your teacher shares with you.
    • Login a few minutes early in case you have any technical issues
    • Stay online for the entire class unless your teacher directs you to do otherwise
    • If a teacher directs you to do independent work, return when it is time.
    • Find a space that is free from distractions
    • Wear appropriate clothing
    • Make sure your devices are charged or plugged in before every class.
    • Have all the supplies you need on-hand before your class begins
    • Leave cell phones in another room to avoid being districted
    • Eat meals and snacks before or after a class.
    • Given your full attention during class.
    • Participate in any whole-class discussions or breakout discussion
    • Keep your video on during the class period unless directed to turn it off by a teacher.
    • Be on mute unless directed to unmute by a teacher
    • Online use the chat feature to pose relevant questions to the class or teacher or to participate as your teacher has directed you.
    • Be mindful of your space and what is displayed in the background.
    • Be respectful of others especially in breakout rooms.
    • Use appropriate language
    • Turn in all work on time.
    • Reach out to teachers or other school staff if you need assistance.


    While you prepare for the first day of school, it is important to establish a consistent learning space for your child. Whether you’re borrowing a device from the District, have a Connected Futures device, or have one of your own, it won’t be the only tool your child will need to complete their work. It is important for students to have a place where they can focus on their studies consistently. Here are some ideas that can help you guide your student's workspace:

    • Set up a quiet, dedicated workspace that can be used consistently and is free of distractions

    • Have school supplies on hand, and work to create a daily routine to help keep your child focused on learning.

    • Establish a place to store the resources to stay organized

    What You'll Need

    • Learning Device
      The District's K-12 students who were enrolled as of February 2020, can use their Connected Futures devices, which come with six months of mobile internet access.  The District will also provide loaner devices at the start of the school year for students who are not eligible for the Connected Futures initiative.  This includes pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and newly enrolled students.  For more information about picking up your child's instructional materials, visit their school website, or call 313-240-4377.

    • Internet Access
      Parents who chose online learning for their students will need access to the internet for learning. If your child does not have a Connected Futures device, and you require financial assistance to purchase access, we encourage you to visit the Department of Education's page about programs to support low-income families.

    • Daily Schedules
      The best way for families to access their student's classes each day are on Teams. Teachers schedule recurring meetings that make it easy for students to simply click "Join" from their calendar when it is time to get started. Parents who wish to download and print their student’s general class schedule and teacher assignments may also do so by logging into the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

    • Learning Materials
      Schools will provide physical materials including textbooks, novels, workbooks to online students during their first week of school.  Picking up materials will require wearing masks and social distancing. You will receive details via email, text, and robocalls from your child’s school regarding the schedule for pickup, but may also check your child's school website for up-to-the-minute information. Only materials that are needed to support online platforms will be issued. Each quarter, any needed materials will be given to families based on their decision to do online or in-person instruction. Families will also receive a letter that indicates which materials may be kept and which materials must be returned to the school.