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Congratulations to the First Group of Zearn Challenge Winners!

Zearn certificate

Zearn is a key part of the daily Small Group Instruction rotation at Barton, with students expected to complete at least three lessons each week. According to the DPSCD Mathematics Department, Zearn is designed to enhance students' math learning, and there’s a clear trend: the more lessons students complete, the more likely they are to meet their math growth goals. After their BOY Diagnostic assessment, teachers introduced the challenge to students, who were excited to be recognized by the district for their math achievements. By November 15, 2024, students district-wide were tasked with completing 30 or more grade-level math lessons. Three of our Barton scholars rose to the challenge and succeeded: congratulations to Symone Barnes (6th Grade), Domany Hogan (6th Grade), and Kaydence Cobb (7th Grade) for being our DPSCD Zearn Challenge winners! Now, who will join their ranks by completing 60 or more lessons by January 15, 2024? Get ready! Get Set! Let's Zearn It, Barton Bears!

Student holding Zearn certificate.